004 ♣ video

Nov 14, 2010 20:07

[Hey, Nick's here--in a brand new gray suit because hey, the white one was ruined from the first day he got here, the other got ruined in the second zombie apocalypse... thing that happened awhile ago, and he felt he deserved a new one, okay.

He also figured he deserved a couple drinks.

Hey--he owed the kid a couple beers anyway, right? Well, Ellis was gone, so he could drink for the both of them. Right.

So he's settled in a bar somewhere, beer in front of him and looking quite comfortable and at ease, thank you very much.]

So, I know we got a lot of people above the drinking age here. What are some of your favorite drinks? Might try them out tonight.

(filtered to Rochelle)

Hey, uh, you still up for dinner, honey?

c: buffy summers, c: rochelle, !: nick

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