Saturday; February 20, 2010
The weather today will continue to be stormy, with heavy precipitation and occasional bursts of thunder and lightning - the storm is easing up, but expect some hail in the evening and possibly during Darkness. High of 8°C and a low of -2°C (46°F/28°F).
Eviction Notices
The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, and the landlord has given three days (until February 23) to leave the apartments. However, the landlord may allow a couple of extra days due to the storm.
Genesis Rhapsodos
Cheshire Cat
Kouichi Aizawa
Haruka Tenoh
Miles Edgeworth
Storms Letting Up - What Damage Will Be Done?
The article for today is a small piece stating that, with the storm's slowing down through the morning, the officials in the City are assessing the damages done. It reports that the Slums,
Sector 10 have been partially wiped out - while several of the buildings are still standing and abandoned, most debris has been washed into
Sectors 8 and 9. The flooding has subsided, but the damage has been done to many buildings, leaving several hundred people displaced and doing serious property damage. The article states that information is still coming in on the damage to the
agricultural sector, but warns that there may be some food shortages over the next few weeks.
The report says that the network hubs have been corrected, but the damage to the power systems is severe, and that power outages may continue for some time, particularly to sectors on the northeastern side of the island.
The write-up completes with stating that there have been over 20 casualties of the storm at current count, though more may show up as time goes on. There are 113 people missing at current count, primarily in the Slums and lower class areas.
[OOC Note: Power outages will continue, and get steadily better throughout the day. NV posting will be going back to normal throughout the afternoon and evening.]
Classified Ads
CANDLE SALE: Gred's Grocers is having a sale on candles! 2 for 1 10-packs, aromatherapy, all brands! Come quick, our storage room was extensively water damaged and all stock must go!
Missing Dog: German Shepherd that goes lovingly by the name of "Sheppard" and loves candy for treats. 300 dollar reward if found. Contact Missy J. Kissington via NV if found.