fresh to death and dressed to digress...

Nov 06, 2010 12:35

[a sound post engages, edging its way into the NV consciousness via the news feed lines.

at first, all that can be heard is the first 30 seconds or so of this song, before the sound dims out slightly and a smooth voice can be heard over the song as it plays in the background]

Good afternoon, Siren's Port, it's DJ Zombie dubsteppin' into the scene with Free Brains, the City's premier music and call-in show.

I can already hear the complaining about my absence, you know. I know, I know, I was off working zombie beauty pageants to pay the bills and communing with my brethren on Halloween - though I tell you, my people have gone seriously downhill. Does anyone have any idea how hard it is to carry on a conversation with someone who can't think about anything but eating? I mean, I know I'm a glutton, kind of comes with the territory, but...

[he cuts himself off with a laugh - there is obvious tension in his voice, though, and it's obvious this show isn't about zombies]

I'm gone three months and look what I come back to broadcast about, Siren's Port. Someone took my advice from my last feed - a little belated, but pretty damn on the mark. Follow in SERO's footsteps, track the little treasure trails under the ground, and find yourself in the City's most prime real estate.

You're going to have to bear with me, delicious little listeners, because I've been awake for 48 hours at this point, trying to scope the scene so I can fill you in just right, yeah. See how much I care? Now...following my thread from the last time I assaulted your ears with beats and breaking news, SERO had gone looking for the Core in the Lake, and I was encouraging people to go looking on their own. Someone looked, and lo and behold, they found. SERO doesn't have the Core, but now the cops do, and while I'm more enthused about trusting the SPPD and the SPFD to keep the Core safe, it's still a pretty precarious situation, don't you think? Heavily armed, and backed with Voids from our lovely old friends, SERO and AGI - I can't be the only one who worries about those two sliding sticky fingers into the underground bunker where the Core glows and steals and warps our world.

This is kind of a big deal, folks. Kind of a big damn deal.

[his voice sounds tired again, and cloth rustles, vinyl creaks slightly as he shifts, his breath slow and even over the airwaves]

What is our course of action, good citizens? For now, stay clear. I'd suggest staying the hell away from the diamond unless you're a Newcomer fresh from the Void dropped there and slapped on the ass like a newborn baby. If you're not being escorted to the Tower Apartments by a Greeter, these people will shoot first and ask questions later when it comes to this - it's serious fucking business, and you can't fight for your freedom with a bullet in your head. [a tiny laugh] Not even I can.

Still...there may be a use for these factions. Filthy as they are, who else has the resources in Hell City to do anything with the Core? Redgrave sure isn't doing anything, hasn't even commented, probably out somewhere drinking himself into a stupor so he doesn't have to think about it, while the City starts looking into a riot, and if it keeps going this way I smell martial law. Things are changing, folks. They're changing big, and even I'm a little flabbergasted. Thinking a thing is good and knowing what to do with it are two different beasts, but I can't bring myself to think this isn't a good thing, most of the way.

[there's a sigh]

Then again, don't know if I'd trust my own meal mean boyfriend...with the Core. Or my mom, rest her soul. [another pause, and he makes a little laugh] I can chart the path of how this will go, and lordy lordy, it ain't going to be pretty.

The gift of the gab seems to be failing me. This is a bit too much, isn't it? Heh. Question me, and I'll answer, folks. Call it in, and I'll give you the scoop. I know what I know, and I think everyone should, regardless of the situation being a perfect mess.

Don't be scared, be cautious, good Citizens.

Keep the Core neutral, folks. Keep it Neutral, for all our sakes.

Today's show's devoted to calls with questions. I'll play some beats if I have time, but man... [another laugh]

What a mess...

[OOC NOTE: I'm about to head off to work, all replies to tags will be delayed until around 10 pm PST, but replies will come.]
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