news feed; saturday, november 6, 2010

Nov 06, 2010 02:14

Saturday; November 6, 2010


Temperatures continue to be cold, with mostly-clear skies and fragile sunlight. A slight mist in the air after a very light rainfall in the late afternoon will result in a gorgeous rainbow over the City at around 6:00 pm (PST). High of 4°C and a low of 0°C (39°F/32°F).

Morning sirens will go off at 7:30 am, and evening sirens will go off at 7:00 pm.

TIME CHANGE WARNING: Daylight Savings Time in the PST time zone is changing on the morning of Sunday, November 7. Characters will be need to set their clocks one hour back on Saturday night or early Sunday morning to adjust for this, and most workplaces and schools will remind them about it when they attend.

On an OOC level, this also affects deadlines for mod events such as events and apps.

Eviction Notices

The following list of characters will find a note slipped under their door giving a three days' notice of eviction. Today marks the end of your one month of free rent, and the landlord has given three days (until November 9) to leave the apartments.

Gaara of the Desert
Alex Mercer
Hope Estheim
Billy Kaplan
Ivan Raikov
Vincent Law
Jomy Marquis Shin
Kazura Iha


The news for today is completely plastered with headlines and articles with different takes on last night's discovery of the true location of the Core.

Unidentified Newcomer Finds The Core - Salvation?

This reporter is giving as factual and unbiased as possible an account of what is known of last night's events. The article explains how last night during Darkness, shortly before the morning sirens, a Greeter waiting at the baseball diamond for any new arrivals noticed an as-yet-unidentified sick or injured blond woman stumbling away from the area. When he went to investigate the situation, and attempt to secure the area, he discovered a heavy open trapdoor. Upon further investigation, the Greeter reported that there were dilapidated stairs heading downward, made of metal - a passage he had never seen before.

After calling his supervisor, the Greeter discovered that this passage lead directly under the long-abandoned baseball diamond where Newcomers regularly appear from other universes. The portion of the dugouts near the entrance to this passage was secured, leaving the diamond itself, the Tower Apartments, and the Greeter system intact in case of Newcomer arrivals, and several members of Siren's Port's police and fire departments volunteered to explore the passage. Upon reaching the bottom, the officers reported finding a "strange glowing metal sphere" in an abandoned room with collapsed passages leading away from it.

When scientific experts were called in from both factions and from the government itself, it was determined that this device discovered several hundred feet below the abandoned baseball diamond is in fact the Core.

This discovery has rocked Siren's Port, putting an appearance to a device that has been omnipresent in the City for generations. It has also given some in the City hope that a solution may be found for the Pull, allowing the many refugees, Newcomers, and people pulled in against their will to return home to their own countries, and in many cases the family they have left behind.

Governor Redgrave has not issued any statement as to how the Government of Siren's Port is going to handle this delicate situation. He was unavailable to be reached for comments.

Police Hold Core Secure While The City Holds Its Breath

This article is a commendation for the Siren's Port Police Department and Siren's Port Fire Department, whose officers have undergone exploration, risking exposure to radiation poisoning and other ill effects that may arise from close contact with the newly-discovered Core. These fine men, the article states, have stood their ground despite the many residents who have attempted to gain entry to the Core for any number of reasons. They have held an unbroken line of protection around the known locations that the Core can be accessed - the baseball diamond, and Winthers Lake.

The reporter notes that these brave officers have not broken formation, and asks that any residents who wish to support these officers please keep away from the line, leave them to their business, and make donations to the SPPD and SPFD, both of which have set up a fund to provide protective equipment, food, blankets, and Darkness protection for these fine officers. The writer notes that these men should be commended for their courage, and considered true heroes - who knows what could happen if an unauthorized person were able to get access to the Core?

The article concludes with a note that both AGI and SERO have provided staff with Null and Void abilities to back these officers up. The Voids, they say, have behaved admirably and neutrally in their support work. The article warns that anyone approaching the area will be completely unable to use any ability beyond that of a normal human being from the outside due to these Voids, and that the officers holding the line are heavily trained and heavily armed.

Finding of the Core - Newcomer Conspiracy?

This is a short article that seems to be the ravings of a conspiracy theorist - the reporter seems to believe that the Core hasn't actually been found, and that this entire incident is a sensationalist's wet dream. The reporter believes that this may be some sort of Newcomer conspiracy, an attempt to dominate those who were in the City before the influx that started nearly a year ago, flooding the City with hungry mouths and violent new abilities.

The writer implores all readers to please keep an eye on Newcomers. She does not believe that the Core has been found, and that Newcomers are simply spreading these rumors to put the City in chaos and leave it weak for the taking.


This article is obviously written by a very devoted AGI loyalist and is heavily slanted against SERO. The reporter starts off by stating that SERO has always claimed that they held the Core under the Government Building in Sector 3, where it was safely protected and hadn't been tampered with.

The reporter then goes on to state that all this time, SERO has been lying to the good citizens of Siren's Port, obviously attempting to hold the Core as a sort of power over the City. After all, if SERO had the Core, wouldn't they be more powerful? The writer goes on to state that if SERO had held the Core, they certainly would have been tinkering with it and foolishly attempting to fix it which, as AGI holds, would only have ended up destroying the City like the meltdown that ocurred around 80 years ago. The article firmly holds that this is a filthy lie on SERO's part, a blatant and bald attempt to hold power over a helpless population that was unaware of the truth.

The article closes off by stating that AGI has been correct the whole time - SERO did not have the Core, and held no claim to power in the City. The only truth, the writer notes, is that the Core is in a neutral location, and that SERO has essentially foregone any right to tamper with it. The writer implores readers to reconsider any affiliation with such a dishonest and corrupt group as SERO.

[OOC MOD NOTE: Please be aware that this news feed and what it contains are going to cause a huge amount of scandal in the City. There will be several casualties throughout the day as people attempt to get in to see the Core for whatever reason - desire to worship it, desire to own it, desire to fix it, desire to destroy it. No one will be able to access the Core, either NPC or player character.

Because of the inflammatory article against SERO, expect to see breakouts of rioting and violence off and on along the border of Sectors 1 and 2, AGI and SERO territory respectively. This may leak to other areas of the City as loyalists get into arguments and fall to violence. It is currently not as severe as the previous riots, but characters will notice a lot of tension in the air, and it won't be out of place to see damage done to apartments and shops, car crashes, fights that block off roads, and use of violent or destructive abilities throughout the day. Expect this kind of behaviour from the NPC citizens for the next while.

If your character is openly affiliated with one faction or the other, feel free to have them harassed or attacked by NPC loyalists from the other faction - just keep in mind that any destruction of a building or area larger than an average apartment building, or extensive use of particular NPCs (that is, writing an NPC as a second character in any post - random threats and actions included in log posts or NV entries is acceptable under these circumstances) requires mod clearance.

Side note: Powers in the baseball field are nullified by the presence of voids!

EDITED TO ADD: Expect daily long newsposts (with articles and classified ads) for the next week, to keep the playerbase abreast of what's going on in the City. After that, news posts will resume the normal schedule of shorter posts (weather, evictions, notes) on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.

There will be a post tomorrow by DJ Zombie to disseminate more information to characters ICly. More information on DJ Zombie can be found here.

His show acts as a neutral forum for player characters to get unbiased information that is correct - whether your character believes it or not is up to you, but the information provided by DJ Zombie will generally be factual. Characters may ask questions or interact with DJ Zombie through "calling in" via NV. Their questions and the answers will be broadcast as they would in a radio show that features call-ins.

Just a little warning, on a personal note - aaron, who plays DJ Zombie, is working evening shifts on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, so tags in reply to character questions will mostly be posted in the morning, and after 10 pm PST. You will receive responses, though, even if they're slightly delayed.

If you have any questions, please respond to this post and we will answer them as soon as possible (which may mean in the morning - sorry, mods have to sleep too!).]

*event, *news feed

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