Text; In which everyone hates scenarios

Nov 03, 2010 15:51

A small girl is playing on a swing in a local playground when an adult comes along and pushes her off into the dirt for no other reason than that he'd had a bad day at work and wanted to take it out on somebody who couldn't fight back. Are his actions morally wrong?

(( There's going to be a bazillion scenarios following this, I apologize. AANNNDD I'm going to be a bit slow because I'm lame. ))

c: asano rin, †: alphonse elric, !: scarecrow, c: hyuuga neji, c: grell sutcliff, c: deathstroke the terminator, c: magneto, c: nara shikamaru, †: yagami raito, †: poison ivy, †: viral, c: franziska von karma, c: sherlock holmes, †: claire bennet, c: hope estheim

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