♚ ishtar [ ♥ ] † 1st † [ game ] accidental video

Nov 03, 2010 00:10

[ Ishtar totally didn't just fall on her face the minute she got here with stuffed non-working voodoo dolls and a bear cradled to her chest, nope. ]


[ The cute little Duzie shaped NV was turned on as she dropped that along with the dolls in which she had no idea where they came from. She wasn't holding them when she was finding a safe place ( Read more... )

c: gabriel/the trickster, !: princess ishtar, †: lavi, †: claire bennet

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[Voice] historyrabbit November 3 2010, 23:38:01 UTC
[It was the word "collar" that struck him, just like when Gaara and Sai appeared.

But for some damned reason he can't quite recall her name, yet. Face is familiar, maybe...]

Ya missin a collar, too? There're a few o'us here that're missin'em too.


[Video] bratxprincess November 3 2010, 23:42:26 UTC
[ Ishtar has no idea how to work the voice function so yeah have an image of a raven haired princess looking at the blank screen still. Ishtar knew the voice but she couldn't quite make out who it was. She paused a moment before speaking. ]

Yeah, seems like it but apparently this isn't the Facility anymore...what a relief I guess.

Really? Who else?

[ if the conversation keeps going she could make out who it was. At the moment her brain is a little slow and her memory is still foggy as well. ]


[Voice] historyrabbit November 4 2010, 00:01:27 UTC
[Yeah, these things are tricker than the 'berries. Almost makes you miss them, huh?]

No. 's definitely not Facility. [A brief chuckle.] Been here way too long for it ta be...

[Likewise Lavi is peering at the little image his own golem-NV is shooting out, trying to place a name with the face he's seeing.]

Just two ninjas that were once there, friends o'mine.


[Video] bratxprincess November 4 2010, 01:09:26 UTC
[ Yeah Ishtar doesn't know where all the buttons are on her cute little Duzie shaped one. She still tries to change the function but fails anyhow. She'll give up for now. ]

Well that's a good relief...I heard this place is called Siren's Port in some place called Canada?

[ she mused hoping that he could confirm that for her as well. Ishtar still didn't know who the voice belonged to. She remembered a male of course, but she knew a lot of them... Her memory just sucked at the moment. Ishtar's brows furrowed. ]

Two Ninjas?

[ she mused looking very confused at that comment. Ninjas. It came rushing back in her mind. She remembered the one with the sand...a little, but the memory was hardly confirming any of her questions. ]


[Voice] historyrabbit November 4 2010, 01:21:28 UTC
[Lavi's is all voice activated~ 8D Makes it easier but still...don't know the functions it can do.]

That's right. Really need to find a map 's an island in tha country.

[His was like that too, everything was clear except for the people who weren't from home. But he knows she's familiar and he's still trying to place her.]

Yeah, a redhead 'nd a dark-haired one.


[Video] bratxprincess November 4 2010, 01:43:56 UTC
[ Nice Maybe Ishtar can make hers do the same thing. XDD; lmfao. Yeah. She just hits video functions a lot apparently. ]

Ah, okay... anything else I need to know about this place? A map would be great really.

[ She agreed with him. Ishtar is having a hard time accumulating everyone else in her mind. ]

...redhead...and dark haired?

[ Definitely the red head. She had no idea if she met the dark haired guy or not... ninjas still ring some bell in her brain. ]

Ummm this sounds really weird but you sound like someone I know.


[Voice] historyrabbit November 4 2010, 01:56:25 UTC
[Quite possibly! He uses a different language with it so it won't switch on him if he mentions a word in English.]

's not safe ta be outside after dark, when tha sirens go of you wanna find a secure place ta stay 'nd don't drink tha water either. Tha dugout is safe ta spend tha night in if you're still there. Tha person there can tell ya lots 'bout tha place, too.

[A soft laugh] Yeah, same here. Guess names would help? 'm Lavi.


[Video] bratxprincess November 4 2010, 03:02:30 UTC
[ Ah that's a good thing ahahahahah. ]

Someone said that too. I guess that's my cue to find that dugout place right? Huh sounds like a plan, only do you know where that is? I don't even know the first clue of where anything is located here.

[ Ishtar sweat dropped. ]

Yeah it would. Lavi...

[ Oh wait she was talking with that chick earlier. She mentioned something about Lavi... Ishtar's head suddenly started to get hit with some more foggy memories.... ]


[ A more questionable tone this time. ]

My name, it's Ishtar.


[Voice] historyrabbit November 4 2010, 16:56:44 UTC
[Golems can be stupid. 8D;;;]

If ya haven't moved far from tha field you arrived in then tha dugouts should be tha little boxes on either side of the bleachers. One o'em might have...flowers.

[Can probably hear the grin in his voice.]

Yep, just Lavi. I was at that Facility place too, first one ta arrive here from there.

[Pause. That name is really familiar. Wait...] Ish?!


[Video] bratxprincess November 4 2010, 18:11:42 UTC
[ Aww but they can be cute too sortah ♥ ]

I haven't moved from them yet....and oh, okay I think I see them now.

[ looking at that direction for a moment.Yeah she totally can but god dammit... name is so familiar but she's slowly putting a face to it with a minour headache to boot. ]


[ And just as her reaction seemed surprised, she caught his as well. A grin played on her lips as the memories started to slowly flood in. ]


[ She's used to that nickname by now. Lavi was the only persont hat she knew that would call her 'Ish,' most of the time. ]


[Video] historyrabbit November 4 2010, 18:17:32 UTC
[Lavi switches the feed to video, hope you don't mind the randomly appearing redhead.]

Usually 'm on tha bleachers but not this close ta dusk, otherwise 'd help. [Grin]

Glad ta see ya make it here, this place is a lot better than Facility.


[Video] bratxprincess November 5 2010, 03:56:01 UTC
[ Not at all. Yeap, that totally confirmed his identity now. She knows it's Lavi without a doubt. ]

Yeah, well kinda late telling me that dontcha think?

[ she replied with a small laugh. ]



[Video] historyrabbit November 5 2010, 20:46:58 UTC
[He grins] My bad, musta just missed you makin tha jump in. But we'll probably see each other in tha apartment buildin anyway, not too many places ya can hide in here.

In my opinion it is, no 'xperiments. Though ya have ta watch out for tha two sides tryin ta get you ta pick one o'em 'nd sometimes it does things that seem like tha doctors'd do.


[Video] bratxprincess November 5 2010, 20:50:07 UTC
Hehehehe... It's fine, Lavi. Don't worry about it. I was kidding. Yes, of course. I hope so. I haven't seen you in a while. Yeah, I noticed.

That's a good aspect about this place, I guess. Two sides picking---?

[ Sorry there's a pause there and Ishtar stops for a moment. ]

I seriously don't like the sound of that.


[Video] historyrabbit November 6 2010, 03:35:36 UTC
[Grins and winks at her, making the wink obvious with his eye-patch.] I know~

Yeah, tha person on Greeter duty should tell ya 'bout it.


[Video] bratxprincess November 6 2010, 03:36:52 UTC
[ Oh Lavi always making Ishtar grin at your little grins and stuff like that. ]

eheheh. Alright, sounds like I get to ask more questions hehe.


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