
Nov 01, 2010 19:51

[The video feed flicks on to show a rather scruffy looking guy with his back to the camera. He writes something on the cement wall in chalk, adding to the array of mathematical formals and proofs covering it. Some of them make sense while some of them have very alien symbols.]

[He turns to look at the camera.]

Does anyone else understand this? Any of it?

[Most of the stuff looks like it's related to encryption. The number 46 is circled. It's obviously important to the equations. Then there are other formals that seem to relate to calculating vast distances of space. Yet another area looks like programing code of some kind.]

[The man looks agitated and impatient.]

Anyone see anything they recognize?

!: nicholas rush, c: near, , c: magneto, †: claire bennet, c: hope estheim

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