[Ro's at work, and she's holding up her phone. You can see a coffee pot poking out of the corner of the video.]
I've been meaning to ask. Is anyone going to that haunted house? You'd think I've seen enough blood and guts, but my friends used to like to drag me to those things all the time. I think I've seen enough cheap props and fake guts to last me a lifetime, but...
I kinda miss it.
[Then some incomprehensible yelling gets Rochelle's attention. She looks over her shoulder and tries to make out whatever her boss is calling her for. Cue instant voice perk-up:]
YES, sir, I'm coming... ha ha, god forbid you live without your damn coffee...
[She turns back after flashing the fakest grin in the world in yonder direction, and it instantly dissapears. Same with the perk in her voice. With a sigh she goes to grab the pot and go back to coffee-fetching like she was supposed to.]
Some days it'd be nice to spit in this guy's coffee.