001. [video]

Oct 25, 2010 20:07

[There are a few notes scribbled onto the network every now and then, most of them too quickly written to be legible. A few select words can be made out if you squint at them long enough: "City", "Electricity?", "Les", and "Dark".

A few minutes later, a video feed crashes into existence.] Agh, dammit. [David picks up the notebook blank side ( Read more... )

c: jack kelly, †: shijima kurookano, c: maya fey, c: shiroe rei seki, c: franziska von karma, c: miles edgeworth

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1/??? cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:21:14 UTC
[It's the Les that tips him off at first. Jack sees the name out of the corner of his eye as he halfheartedly scans the NV, and does a doubletake when he notes the semi-familiar handwriting. His heart automatically leaps-- but of course, it won't do to hope. Why should he hope? There's no way it can be who he thinks it is. There's probably hundreds of Lesters throughout America, let alone the world, let alone all sorts of time periods. To assume it's his Les, and therefore his Davey, is just setting himself up for disappointment. There's simply no way, because it's been three months and two worlds and none of his friends have shown up; why should now, in this time, in this place, be any different?

Still. He watches with bated breath.


cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:22:20 UTC
And then the feed comes on, and there's David glancing at the camera. David, looking just as intelligent and wary as always, looking so painfully real Jack can do nothing but stare for a good few seconds. His hands are shaking, his mouth slightly ajar as he forgets to breathe, his eyes wide and face pale as he watches with shock. It's almost-- almost-- impossible to believe, and for a moment he swallows, terrified this is some sort of cruel prank.


cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:23:45 UTC
But it's not. Even if someone here could fake the picture somehow, no one can fake David's tone of voice, nor his choice in words. Of course he's worried about his parents. Of course he's being rational about all of this. Whereas Jack yelled and demanded answers, emotional to the end, David sits back and thinks about the situation and acts like someone with half a brain.

Jack wants to speak, of course. He's dying to speak.


cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:24:18 UTC
Except what if it goes wrong? What if-- oh, god only knows what. What if it's not David, somehow? Or it's a David from a year ago, before they knew each other? Or perhaps Jack himself has changed so much, been through too much darkness, to be recognizable to his best friend. After all, it's been a hellish three months, and for a moment Jack pulls back, terrified to speak for fear of being called out how different he is, how apparent it is that he isn't the same boy as he used to be.


Done! cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:26:00 UTC
But he has to speak. It's a simple thought, but it triggers a powerful sort of conviction. He has to speak, he has to tell David what's going on, has to hear that fussy voice mothering over him and watch as he stares up at him with that constant mixture of disapproval and amusement, because it's been so damn long. So finally, hesitantly:]



OHWOW <3333 1/2 taughthonesty October 26 2010, 00:31:16 UTC
[David twitches in surprise when he hears the voice on the other end. His eyes flicker to the side, then up, as if thanking god that he isn't crazy.

But then he sees who's on the other end and his eyebrows shoot up to his hairline. It's Jack, thank god it's Jack, it's bad enough he's woken up in this unknown territory without any clue as to where he is, it's one damn miracle that there is something familiar here.]



taughthonesty October 26 2010, 00:32:20 UTC
[And he hesitates. There's just something odd about the way Jack's looking at him, about the way he said his name with so much hesitation. So he reconsiders.]

...Jack? That is you, right?


1/2 THERE WILL BE A LOT OF THESE I'M SORRY. cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:36:57 UTC
[He stiffens slightly, panic immediately setting in, a thousand questions springing to mind (what can he tell, what does he know, am I that obvious, oh, god)-- but of course David's questioning him, when he said his name so hesitantly. Of course he's nervous about an NV; he hasn't ever seen one before.


cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:37:59 UTC
So Jack grins-- halfheartedly at first, and then growing larger and larger as the reality of the situation begins to set in. It's David. It's David, here to stay, here to keep him company, here to be his best friend in Siren's Port; what's there to be fearful about? He can hide any trauma, conceal any pain; for now, focus on the joy of the situation, rather than the grief.]

Yeah. Yeah! O'course it's me, Dave, don't tell me you forgot me face in the trip here!


You should never be sorry bby <3 taughthonesty October 26 2010, 00:41:14 UTC
[Almost immediately in response to Jack's grin, David smiles back. He can feel the relief washing over him and he exhales loudly, moving to sit down.]

No! No, of course not, I just-- This whole thing's just a little...

[He gestures with his hands.] Crazy. You gotta tell me just what the hell's going on, Jack.


<3 Well then. I never shall. cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:43:30 UTC
[He laughs a little giddily and collapses back onto his bed, the feed shaking slightly as his hands do.]

It's-- oh, Christ, Dave, it's complicated, you know? It's . . .

[His grin fades, and he sits up, realizing something.]

Get inside, first off. Right now. There's, there's dugouts right where you are, just-- get in one and then I'll explain everythin', all right?


GOOD 8D taughthonesty October 26 2010, 00:47:55 UTC
[He snorts. Complicated. That's sounds just about right, yeah.

But he catches that shift in demeanor and he stands up again, lowering the notepad to look around.]

Yeah, yeah, I-- [He glances back at the feed as he starts moving.] Something wrong?


cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 00:51:35 UTC
Yeah. There's . . . it ain't safe to be out after dark. Trust me, all right?

[He twitches in agitation; he's dying to go out and find David himself, but that's pointless right now. Better to wait and talk to him over the NV, and then, once David knows how the city works, Jack can come and visit him.

He waits until he can see David's safely inside, and lets out a soft breath of relief before grinning.]

Right. So. Uh. First thin's first . . . we're in Canada, Dave. An island off the coast o' it, anyway, called Siren's Port.


taughthonesty October 26 2010, 00:56:55 UTC
[He finds a cot and collapses on it, settling his back against a wall. Due to his worry, he's forgotten how tired he feels, like he'd been pulled through wall after wall after wall. He runs a hand over his face before returning his eyes to the NV, managing a soft smile in return to Jack's grin.

It fades as he listens, disappearing completely as he purses his lips.] Figured we weren't in New York anymore. Any idea how I got here, or why?


cowboy_newsie October 26 2010, 01:01:08 UTC
[He nods, a faint smile still on his lips. He can't help it; he can remember how bad it feels, to be torn away from home, but it's just so good to see David, to talk to him, that he can't help but feel a tight knot of excitement in his chest.]

Sort of. You feel right about here? That, uh, that pull? It's sorta how we got here. Just-- listen, okay? I know this sounds mad, but ask anyone and you'll see it's true.

There's this thin' in the center o' the city, called the Core. It drags people here-- nobody knows why it picks who it do, but-- it drags all . . . all sorts o' people here. There's, uh . . . well, anyway. So that's why. I got dragged here round . . . oh, call it a month ago.

[The smile fades as he stares at David in a determined sort of way, ready for the questions and the doubt.]


taughthonesty October 26 2010, 01:08:08 UTC
[He rubs the bridge of his nose. Well, he might as well be dreaming, the star of the show none other than Jack himself.

It sounds ridiculous, and really, he'd love to burst into laughter and roll his eyes, but... He stares back at Jack, analyzing him, scrutinizing him, ready to catch any sort of falter that would prove this all to be some sort of practical joke.

But there's nothing, only a gaze that's just as firm.] So you're saying that I-- and you, too-- were picked from random to end up in some... city in Canada? For no reason? By some-- some force?

[His eyebrows shoot up, but he has no other option but to make sure what he's hearing is correct.]


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