Eleventh ~ Video

Oct 25, 2010 05:17

[Late morning/early afternoon. The video is a bit shaky at first, but when it’s turned on you can see the girl sitting it down at a table in her apartment. The normally cheerful chipper smiling young pigtailed girl looks nothing like her normal dapper self.]

[Instead she looks a bit stunned, a little red eyed and a bit distracted]

Ah... [She started to speak, staring through the video.] Has... anyone... [her voice faded out, choked for a moment. There’s a thump off screen, which grabbed her attention. Moving left and off screen she bent over]

Oh, Kouki! Be careful...

[She sat back up now holding Watanuki and Doumeki’s small cat close to her chest, both hands very careful, a finger petting it, absentmindedly nuzzling her cheek to its head. She tried again to speak]

I tried calling Watanuki this morning... about the horoscopes. I wanted to talk to... them about... it. But his number is... is no longer connected. Doumeki’s isn’t connected either. It’s like before... just like before... I stopped in to look but neither are home. H-has... anyone seen them? I... don’t even know how long they have been gone... It’s how these works... right? [She pointed towards video, the NV] They go off line, like a person isn’t here... when they go home?

[She looks a little lost for a moment. Maybe he was right. These things come to an end, always. Even if you don’t want them to...]

Please... if anyone has information I might be missing, I need to know if you’ve seen Watanuki or Doumeki. [She gave a little bow to the video, reached out and turned it off]

†: billy kaplan, †: roronoa zoro, c: iron-tail fratley, †: axel, !: kunogi himawari, c: sirius black, c: naruto uzumaki, c: amy sorel

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