#02 -- Video

Oct 24, 2010 10:04

[The feed clicks on, and if it seems from the view of cupboards that the NV is sitting on a kitchen counter, you'd be quite correct. And then even this almost gets obstructed by a towel being carelessly tossed in its direction, but the towel manages to miss and the feed continues.

It's rather obvious that Yoruichi has just finished showering; her hair is damp, and she's wearing nothing but a light robe loosely cinched at the waist. Oh, she's covered, but the robe does little to hide her figure. She appears to be oblivious to this fact. Any lingering injuries from her fight two nights ago are concealed by the clothing.]

So. Seeing as I seem to stuck here just the same as the rest of you, I suppose I ought to learn to make do. Who knows how long we'll all be here, right?

[She opens one of the cupboards to see that the only remaining glasses are on the top shelf, and she scoffs in annoyance. Her irritated mutters aren't exactly softly spoken, either.] Gonna have to reorganize these damn things. [Yoruichi pushes herself partway onto the counter to reach up and snag one of the glasses. The robe she's wearing is rather short, and thus this action just barely avoids giving the network an indecent view, though you shy folks might still want to look away. That's rather a lot of leg.

She slides herself off the counter and flashes a bright smile.] Anyhow, getting myself acclimated to the place should be pretty high on my list of priorities. Anybody willing to help a girl out with that? [Come on, boys, who wouldn't want to help this beautiful lady?]

Seems that you and I are supposed to be allies. If that's going to work, then I'll need to be brought up to speed on what's happened in the past century or so. And what kind of odds we're against.

c: izaya orihara, c: keigo asano, c: ishida uryuu, !: shihouin yoruichi

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