voice. ☣ nnngh

Oct 18, 2010 21:54

[The video crackles on. The voice sounds... rather unimpressed,. Because for some reason the greeter who had accosted him within the first five minutes of his arrival -- out of some freakish form of luck and against all odds, recognized him -- and had attempted to sling an arm over his shoulders. A few seconds later, the greeter found his arm slung ( Read more... )

c: asano rin, c: nara shikamaru, †: aizen sousuke, c: samus aran, c: kisame hoshigaki, c: ishida uryuu, c: uchiha sasuke,

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[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 13:40:40 UTC
You have friends here, judging by these responses.

[ Oh, he's interested in you, boy. Orochimaru's made him very curious. ]

Are they any use in aiding you find the individuals you've mentioned?


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 19:51:16 UTC
[Flicking the metaphorical finger at Orochimaru. That brief stint with his younger brother did not endear himself to him.]

I am certain you can judge that for yourself.


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 19:59:33 UTC
You're not a fan of the Greeters, then.


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 20:06:37 UTC
I do not begrudge them. It is their duty.


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 20:10:13 UTC
An extremely difficult one, yes, given the people who arrive here.


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 20:12:39 UTC
You speak as though from experience.


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 20:13:27 UTC
I'll be welcoming my associates here for a while, I think.


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 20:21:02 UTC
You have my well-wishes. [In a polite, pseudo-sarcastic sort of manner.]


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 20:23:23 UTC
[ These kids today ... Nevertheless, he gives a perfectly amiable smile back. ]

Thank you. Are you new here?

[ Although he's aware Itachi is not, or hasn't been. ]


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 20:36:56 UTC
That remains to be determined. [As honest of an answer as he would ever get, really.]


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 20:38:49 UTC
Aa, the records can prove confusing.


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 20:43:25 UTC
Or perhaps simply confused. [Implying that the records themselves may be faulty, but that's only for argument's sake. Personally, in typical Uchiha manner, he has reservations about both ends of the theory.]


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 20:45:52 UTC
It's a possibility, but I've seen people disappear only to return with no prior knowledge of their dealings. It's a strange phenomenon, but a very real one.


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 20:52:27 UTC
It seems that the Core affects both place and 'time'. [It's a question, but it's also a statement. That is the conclusion he's arrived at after considering the information at hand. Of course, there isn't any reason to trust the sources at this point, it's something to think about until he can ascertain the truth for himself.]


[video] alapimp October 19 2010, 20:53:31 UTC
It most certainly does.

[ - said with enough casual confidence to confirm any suspicions in that not-question. ]


[video] pacificism October 19 2010, 21:04:58 UTC
[He appreciates the not-answer to his not-question, in an unappreciative sort of way.]

Your authority on the subject is appreciated.


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