
Oct 16, 2010 19:39

[It looks like she's just gotten home; dress shirt and tie and trench coat, check, but she's in a skirt - kind of rare for her, though not unheard of. When the NV comes on, she's fiddling with the tie at one of her pigtails.]

So- I've been tutoring this kid during my downtime. It looks like his grades have picked up, though, so his mother's thinking he doesn't need me around anymore... I'm doing about a thousand things already, so I have- no idea what to fill up that time with.

[Overworking herself? Heck yeah she is. She's barely home lately; she alternates between wanting to glue herself to Ritsuka's side and wanting to run out and do a kajillion billion things till she can't think anymore. It's left her exhausted, and that might be kind of evident.]

Maybe another part time job, but I was only with that kid for about two hours, so I don't know what hires for that little... I can't-

[BIG SIGH. One of the pigtails comes down.]

I don't know. I need to go take a shower, I guess. I've got some things to get done tonight. Just, if you've got any ideas; I'm running out of them.

!: triela, †: brooke, c: adachi tohru, c: keigo asano, c: aoyagi ritsuka, †: sir crocodile, c: gokudera hayato

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