008, video;

Oct 15, 2010 22:49

[The video clicks on to show RIkku sitting on a small bed up against a wall. Next to her is a burlap sack, her daggers, a tool box, and a pile of textbooks (history, English for Dummies, four volumes of Mechanical Engineers' Handbook, and others,) all of which have oil and grease stains on them. She has very little worldly possessions, as people ( Read more... )

†: laguna loire, c: nami, †: kia welbehenna, †: katara, c: ichimaru gin, !: rikku

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[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 06:46:08 UTC

[Oh don't mind her. She just happened to come in for the end of her recording, and Brother, nice dead guy, and some very interesting words she couldn't even begin to know caught her attention.]

[Enter Nami, pulling a messenger bag over her head and tossing it to her own bed.] Hey, you must be Rikku! [Smiles! Long orange hair in pig tails, bikini top, long pants and heels. Say hello to one of your room mates]


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 06:52:27 UTC
Uh-huh! My annoying Brother who never, ever shuts up, even when he's sleeping! He's probably brain--

[Pardon Rikku while she realizes she was talking to someone who just entered the room without recognizing that she was actually there. She's a little scatterbrained right now.]

[Gasp!] And you must be Nami! [Rikku quickly jumps up from the bed, and immediately moves to hug Nami. Obviously they're going to be BFFs, so hugging is obligatory.]


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 07:01:31 UTC
[Pardon her surprise. This Nami hugs, but she's not that used to it yet. To be hit up like this so fast surprised her, but... she chuckled and gave a small hug back] Yep! that's me.

Getting settled in alright? [She was... an peppy lil thing, wasn't she?]


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 07:06:01 UTC
[Hugs are the best, especially when they're girl hugs. Though Rikku has made a lot of friends there's very few with two X chromosomes. After all that's done, she bounces a step away and rocks back on her heels.]

Uh-huh! I'm really excited that I finally have a bed to sleep in again. And there's enough room to shove all my stuff under it!

[She looks back at her bed and smiles.] It's good to have a home.


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 07:14:35 UTC
[Stepping back a bit and dropping down on her bed she crossed her ankles and leaned forward on her legs, grinning at the girl. It would take a little bit to get used to someone other then Robin in here, but she was used to sharing space now]

We've got the better beds too. I made sure of it! [a bit of a pause before adding softly] I like having a home as well, though I wish it were on the boat. I've been on land far too long. [She clearly misses the sea]


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 07:23:55 UTC
[Taking Nami's lead, Rikku falls back onto what was now her bed, too. She draws one knee up to her chest and lets the other leg dangle down.]

The boys don't need comfy beds! Boys are built to sleep on floors and in dirt.

[She laughs a little, then smiles softly at Nami.] You pirates are all the same, huh? I can kinda understand how you feel. I spent a good part of my life on a boat, and for the past couple years I was living in an airship! I just miss being able to go where I wanna whenever I wanna.


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 07:55:38 UTC
[OH GOOD... after that comment she smiled. Yes, they will get along FINE huh] I couldn't agree more!

[All the same? She tilted her head a bit] Oh? Did one of the boys say the same? I'm used to being on land well enough. There are some times we had to spend ages on line, but the tides here feel differently, deep down/ It's not the seas of home. [She was smiling, but ah, so homesick] You sound like you'll fit right in though. I think there's a number of us tired of being tied down to this port.


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 08:04:10 UTC
Well, Brooke did make a diagram... but I know some pirates from back home, and a lotta people who like the water better than land. [Rikku takes a moment to pull one of the books out of her pile, her history textbook, and flips through a number of pages until she finds a map of Earth to show Nami.] See, Spira's not like this place. My home's all a bunch of islands and stuff! There, everybody spends tons of time in boats or swimming, but here you can't even dip your feet in the ocean without trouble!

[She sighs.] I guess I thought I'd fit in better with a bunch of pirates than I would all those sophisticated types. You guys understand boats, and building, and holding your breath, and stealing, and fighting, and all that fun stuff I love!


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 08:23:59 UTC
[As the book was brought out she saw the strange map. Like the one she researched before. Making a bit of a face at it she nodded, leaning back again on the bed, on a hand] This place is nothing like home for us either. Where you're from... sounds a lot more like home. Islands scattered all over, oceans far and wide, trouble around every corner.

[The more the girl spoke the more she smiled though] Hey now, the Strawhat pirates have some sophistication! Sanji is a world class chief. He serves nothing but class! Robin and myself tend to be a bit more classy then the others too. [yeah, that's right. CLASS] And... we still manage to have fun. Who were you staying with before?


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 08:45:01 UTC
[Ah, home. They sound like they come from very similar places. It's nice to know that she can relate to a girl finally. People here were weird and showered too much.] Nothing but blue water and blue skies.

[Rikku cringes and puts her hands in front of her, shaking them.] I didn't mean you guys weren't sophisticated and stuff! I just meant that you're fun and not all stuffy and boring! [She laughs.] Sanji's a world class chef!? I thought it was just a girl crazy weirdo! It's good to know that he can cook, though. Heheheh!

[The fun passes for a moment, though.] A friend. Uhm, Aizen, if you know him.


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 09:03:20 UTC
Mmm that sounds nice. Robin and I have lazed about on the beaches here, but they're not as nice as I wish they were.

[She chuckled at the reaction!] I was just teasing! It's okay![... Well she was right on the girl crazy part...] Sanji is a little girl crazy, but he's a good guy. You can pretty much get him to do anything for you with a smile or a kind word. Great cook too, so ask for anything. Have you met anyone else?

[Oh... she's seen him on the NVs... huh] Haven't talked to him much but I've seen him around. A professor or something? [Yeah, no fun there]


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 09:20:23 UTC
[It's good to know that Nami teases. Some people took things way too seriously, and sometimes she said the wrong things without meaning to. It's nice to know that this is not one of those times.]

Anything? [Rikku is enamored by this thought. Eating is one of her favorite things in the world.] I could really get used to this really fast. I talked with Sanji on my NV thingy, and I've known Brooke since I got here. He asked to see my panties and I yelled at him until he cried. We've been friends ever since!

Yeah, he's a professor. He helped me get into Hawthorne and I lived on his couch for the past couple months.


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 09:28:45 UTC
[Nami is the most serious person on the crew---wait, no Zoro might be, but still, things like this? She can tease a bit. 'I gave away all your treasure' might result in some heads rolling though...]

Anything. Well... with in reason of supplies. This Port is lacking in some things it seems. [Brooke though... she rolled her eyes about] Brooke's our Bard, a swordsmen and apparently the crews pervert. That was the first thing he asked me when we met too. [She shook her head again at this. Stupid Brooke. He was bound to get harassment added to his wanted poster... if he didn't already have it]

[Hawthorne? She was in college? A surprised look crossed the girls face, huh... she wouldn't have pegged her for a student] I see, well.... now you have a bed and a cozy space to do homework? [pause...] You really go to school here?


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 10:00:01 UTC
[Siren's Port was lacking in a lot of the things Rikku was familiar with, but it offered so many more things that she wanted to try. She grew up in a desert; she was picky. So long as they still had apples, she was happy.]

He might be a pervert, but I think he's pretty harmless. He's got a real big heart for being made of nothing but hair and bones! I trust him. He kinda reminds me of Brother, but I actually like Brooke!

[Rikku cocked her head to the side at Nami's surprise. Why was that everyone's reaction to her being in college? Maybe it was her hair.] Yes, I really go to school! See, I have school books! [She points to her pile.] I'm taking a history class, but I'm really not very good at it. It's kinda confusing, I really just wanted to learn about this Earth place. I'm a mechanical engineering major!


[action] namiwasheretoo October 16 2010, 10:20:03 UTC
[As long as they had oranges... she was happy]

I trust all of my crew. I can tell you with out a doubt they are all good guys; though don't tell them I said that. [She leaned back, turning to stretch out on her bed, her legs over her bag. She had her own books in there]

I found the history of this planet confusing as well. It doesn't.... flow well. I'm no historian though; that's Robin. I'm the Navigator for the crew. I thought about taking classes here but... [A shrug, glancing over at her pile] I don't do well in the structured learning system they have here. [Hmmm though...] mechanical engineer?


[action] sodisasterrific October 16 2010, 10:32:30 UTC
My lips are sealed. [Rikku smiles and leans back against the wall, crossing one ankle over the other.]

You're a Navigator? Whoa! [Rikku always gets lost, but she'll rarely admit that. Someone who can find their way in an ocean is really impressive.] You must be able to find your way around anywhere! Is it hard doing that without stars here? Well, I guess there's so many street signs you don't hafta think real hard, but still!

[She nods vigorously.] I worked on Machina my whole life! Things are a lot different here, but they're kinda more simple than stuff back home. Well, big things. The little ones are crazy! I really like putting stuff together, you know? My teachers tell me I'm a natural! [She pats her big, greasy tool box.]


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