[Video] Some people really attract trouble, don't they?

Oct 10, 2010 20:49

[The feed clicks on, and it initially seems accidental. The NV is only partly open camera is looking down at the keyboard of the NV with the letters lit up with part of a chair and wall in view. There seems to be a large amount of sound, multiple conversations overlaying each other and things being tossed around. The first thing that can really be picked out is Claudio speaking in the background, loud and sounding VERY annoyed. ]

Man, don't you need a warrant or somethin' to bust in here and search the place? Just cause I can go invisible doesn't mean--- Ahhh! I don't believe this!

Someone else starts asking closer to the NV about neighbors and alibis and then Trauma can be heard.]

So? What. Is that why you’re doing this? He can go intangible too, why would he open a do-

[Claudio sounds closer to the NV next time he speaks, probably having joined the conversation that the other man and Trauma are having.]

This is ridiculous. I didn't DO nothin'. I wasn't even near... Where ever it was you said. Man, it's called work!

[The entire conversation is derailed as people begin all speaking at once from the other side of the room and the conversation becomes clearer as the mass of sound moves toward the NV.]

Hey. I’m still waiting to actually see the warrant. Hand it over already. I want to-

Oh come ON! Everyone in this city has a gun! That one isn't even loaded! It hasn't been since I got here! It ain’t your normal gun, come on, that's not--- what? That is not real evidence-!


[And then multiple people shout at once, followed by someone shouting ‘We got him’ and the NV gets knocked off the table and goes out.

About ten minutes later the video feed comes back on, and Trauma is glaring at the camera. He’s sitting on the floor and the apartment looks fairly trashed behind him.]

We’ve got a problem.

[Ooc: Green is Claudio, Black is Trauma.]

c: maya fey, c: sander cohen, !: terrance 'trauma' ward, c: phoenix wright, !: claudio kilgannon

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