news feed; friday, october 8, 2010

Oct 08, 2010 06:51

Friday; October 8, 2010


Temperatures today are cooler with wind all throughout mid morning. High of 23°C and a low of 10°C (74°F/49°F).

Morning sirens will go off at 6:00 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:30 pm.

Eviction Notices: The landlord has left a note saying he is taking a personal day. A bored looking greeter has been left as his replacement and will only be assigning apartments. He wont be particularly helpful, and will text the entire time, but at least anyone new will get their keys.

Wave of Suicides Leave Police Calling Foul.

This week there have been several tragedies in Siren’s Port as four suicides were found over the course of the week. But now with the fifth, investigators are beginning to believe there is more to the situation. All five men were found in increasingly creative fashions, from pills to electrocution that caused two blocks to be without power for a few hours on Wednesday and finally an elaborate telekinetically powered pulley system Friday morning.

All five were also found with notes addressing what investigators believe at this time to be the same person, a lover that they cannot live without but never name. It is the style of the notes and the progression of violence in the originally supposed suicides that made investigators change their minds.

Though some people are blaming the police for inaction as things begin to come to light. The notes were only linked when two of the families, who were both members of same church, shared what they’d found after their loved one’s death.

The belief that foul play was involved has left several of the families both grieved and relieved. Learning they weren’t uncovering any terrible secrets after their loved one’s deaths, as the wife of one of the men, who also brought the letters to the authorities attention commented, has made things already both a little lighter and infinitely harder.

Investigations continue and the SPPD would like any information anyone has on the case.

Invisible Robbery Baffles Police

On Wednesday police were called to the site of a convenience store in the fourth sector where a robbery took place sometime right before the siren.

George Dunne, the owner of the store, said that the door opened by itself, then a voice commanded him to hand over the money in the register. Dunne complied when the invisible culprit shot out one of the glass doors on the refrigerator. The thief, who made out with over two hundred dollars, also took several bags of candy and two bottles of alcohol.

Though Dunne says he heard the voice of the intruder, the tapes of the crime don’t have audio to give a clearer picture to investigators. They currently have very few leads and would like any information anyone can give them on the perpetrator.

Breaking News from the Turner Stop in Sector Three.

Early this morning, a man seems to have gotten in a fight with a train. As silly as that sounds, the report goes on to say that James Michaels, 24, jumped down into the tracks as the subway was getting ready to leave the station and tried to talk the train into running over him.

The Technopath then proceeded to have a fifteen minute fight with the train before officials could do anything about the situation, as he’d hijacked control of the computer running the particular subway car.

Several onlookers reported that Michaels tried to talk the train into running him over for the better part of the fifteen minutes, though the train didn’t seem to agree.

Officials for the SP transit system are looking into the situation to see how it could be avoided on all fronts.

The entire situation backed up the Subway all the way to Watt and Fable Way stations respectively from about seven am to eight thirty this morning.

Classified Ads

Your Ad Here Need to sell your services? Have a talent no one else can do? Reply today to place your free classified add for your business, sales, yard sale, give away, contests and more.

Sale at Feathered Friends! Apparel for the winged customer. Fifteen percent off on all Halloween costumes and select children's clothes at all locations. Now with selections for those with tails!

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