[ video ]

Oct 07, 2010 14:38

[ When the NV flickers on, the image presented is fuzzy at best. But with enough squinting, it becomes clear that the video is showing the interior of a standard apartment room for newcomers. After some rustling of movement from the left, the video is finally raised upward to display the face of a (young?) boy in slightly better quality - ]

Fellow strangers to Siren's Port, my name is Jomy Marquis Shin, of the Mu. I am a new arrival to this city. The Greeter was only able to give me only basic information and directions to this building before she had to return to her other duties, but I’ve been told that these devices are the main method of communication between the newcomers, and that it would be best to present my questions here.

[ There is a slight shift in expression, a pained grimace. As if he’s still fighting off the newcomer sickness. Or is it something else? ] If. . . there is anyone listening, there is one question that I must ask before any others: am I still on Terra?

( ooc: please take a look at this PERMISSIONS POST if you haven't already. thank you! )

c: near, c: shiroe rei seki, !: jomy marquis shin, †: aizen sousuke, c: miles edgeworth, c: daedalus yumeno, c: laughing beauty, †: claire bennet,

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