Four ~ Audio

Jan 14, 2010 06:22

[A small voice for a moment, and she had meant to make this private to Doumeki, Watanuki and Syaoran, but it slipped up to be open for all.]

Ah, guys? I ah… I know you’re not in the apartments anymore, but I was wondering if maybe I could come visit for a day or so? Maybe…

[A pause before she seems to check doors and click a lock. There is movement in her room, pacing.]

Perhaps I’m over reacting… ah but there is this guy that I ran into today? Um, I ran into him three times today actually. He ah… seemed nice but it’s starting to get a little… odd?

[A smile in her voice, as if it’s nothing at all, but now she’s also a bit fake sounding, as if… ‘I don’t really mean this’]

Not that I’m worried. He’s a nice enough seeming man, but I think I saw him in one of the hall ways knocking on doors when I got home. I don’t think it’s anything to worry about but, maybe I could come… I don’t know, visit a bit tonight? With ah… someone?

[There was a knock at the door which made her stop talking, she then is heard giving a small, tiny little chuckle to herself, nervous, and says nothing else. Just… covers over the NV and is silent for a bit. She’ll reply to anyone a few moments later…]

†: watanuki kimihiro, †: syaoran (clone), c: miles edgeworth, !: kunogi himawari, , c: doumeki shizuka

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