003 ★ video

Oct 07, 2010 00:32

[failed filter from Pandora Hearts cast]

[It's early in the morning, a beautiful daybreak. The video is crooked at first, and there's the sound of a man breathing heavily. It rights itself after fumbling for a few minutes, and Jack's sleeves are rolled up - and there's a thin, red, bleeding line scored around both forearms, near the elbows, almost ( Read more... )

c: roxas, c: jubilation lee, c: alois trancy, c: ciel phantomhive, c: daedalus yumeno, c: re-l mayer, !: jack vessalius, c: jinx, c: beatrice

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[voice] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 16:54:51 UTC

You okay? I can open a lock if you want.


[voice] goldilocked October 6 2010, 16:58:06 UTC
Yes, please.

[/ignoring question about well-being, lalala]


[voice] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 17:00:17 UTC
[she's noticed good sir. She'll be bringing a small medical kit with her.]

Is there a security system? Or is it just a straight lock? And gimme an address. I'm on my way out but can swing by before heading to work.


[voice] goldilocked October 6 2010, 17:03:02 UTC
[he'll make it up to her okay ;;]

Ah, just - a straight lock, but the deadbolt won't budge. [Insert address here, around Sector 4.] Thank you, you're such a dear.


[voice] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 17:19:38 UTC
[a pause]

Alright. I'll come see what I can do.

So, what happened?


[voice] goldilocked October 6 2010, 17:26:07 UTC
Monsters. Moving shadows, what else comes with them?

[He laughs quietly.]


[voice] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 17:32:02 UTC
Ah, nightly fun. I can understand. I'm on my way. I can do minor first aid, too. And, I don't ask too many questions.

[Yes, she's grinning]


[voice] goldilocked October 6 2010, 17:34:27 UTC
Oh, goodness. [The relief in his voice is palpable.] Thank you! I'm sitting on my porch.


[voice] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 17:37:59 UTC
[Can you hear the eyerolling? You should be able to.]

Not a problem dude. Just gimme a run down of how bad it is. Bumps and bruises? Broken bones? Don't care how it happened but I need to know what I'm walking into.

[She fails to mention that she has no trouble bullying someone into medical treatment too.]


[voice] goldilocked October 6 2010, 17:41:18 UTC

Oh, just some cuts and bruising. [Pause, wince.] Might - have cracked a rib, nothing serious.


[voice] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 17:48:19 UTC
[Good! Because she will tattle if needed.]

Mmm. Broken ribs ain't no joke dude. But I'll grab a look when I get there. I'm headed toward you now.


[voice] goldilocked October 6 2010, 17:50:35 UTC
[but why would you do that aaa]

I know, I know, I'll - take a few days off work.

[and he waits, looking out for her.]


[Voice] ->[action] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 17:54:57 UTC
A few days... [A huffed out sigh. Anyone that knows her knows there's a head shake going on and more eyerolling.]

[She arrives pretty quickly, wearing a black long trench coat, a skimpy top and skin tight pants. She raises a hand waving at him as she comes down the street and climbs the stairs.]

Heya. I'm gonna see if I can open the door, then, we'll see about getting you cleaned up.

[Jubilee pulls lock picks out of her coat and begins working.]


[action] goldilocked October 6 2010, 17:58:33 UTC
[.........................now please ignore him while he stares up at her and flushes red, why is she wearing so little clothing why /)__(\]

H-hello. [He tries to move away a little to give her more space.] Thank you for coming out on such short notice.


[action] thelittlestbub October 6 2010, 18:04:38 UTC
[And watch her be oblivious. She has a ton of things to do before she heads off to work that afternoon, so she just got ready early.]

So not a problem dude. I can teach you how to do this, so you can't be locked out again. [A quick grin.] S'part of the reason why I learned how to do it.

[That, and the Cajun had been bored one day and Logan wasn't around to babysit.

Takes her a couple minutes, but sure enough, the door manages to click open.]

There we are. Now, c'mon, let's get you cleaned up.

[She kneels next to him and offers herself as a crutch.]


[action] goldilocked October 6 2010, 18:10:40 UTC
...oh, so that's how you do it. Thank you!

[He stares at her for a moment.]

I - I really shouldn't trouble a lady like this.


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