[When the feed starts, it is roughly a little before lunch time and Zoro is standing in the middle of the sidewalk, and looking a little frazzled. He had spent the latter part of the day going in circles and achieving nothing, or rather, not knowing what to get. As it is, the past few days had not been kind to him:
He lost his wallet (most likely fell from his pocket), nearly had a piano drop on his head from someone trying to get it in to an apartment via the balcony and using rope, had accidents like tripping over loose floorboards and broken (suddenly) bathroom tiles at the Emporium, got yelled at by a pyscho hag-woman for being a 'pervert' when all he had done is yawn loudly, and apparently, the milk - or what he had thought was milk, it had looked like milk - for breakfast that morning is not sitting well with him today.
Damn unlucky day.
And now, he is broke. And needs to acquire … well.]
Where the hell do I get a 'good' suit?
[A pause. Hey, that place did say 'good suit' - what the hell constitutes as 'good' anyway when a suit is a suit?]
… cheap one.
[Another pause.]
One I can fight in.
[Another pause and he opens his mouth to say something more but a bus just drives past him, and suddenly there is just a spray of dirty water from where the wheels goes over a puddle on the street.
Zoro just stands there, twitching. Twitching some more and dripping wet. He probably does stay still for several long seconds before he spits out some of the water. And takes one step forward and promptly stubs his knee against a fire hydrant. Hard.
Nope, not his lucky day. Or week, probably.
The NV ends up dropping, bouncing on the pavement and catching a loud shout of -]
Damnit, enough already!
[ - before it lands face down on the pavement and goes dead.]
[OOC: Takes place a few days after
this. Himawari's bad luck; it will fade gradually.]