[004]: Video

Sep 23, 2010 15:55

[Today, Ivy was out and about among a forest in the northwest area of Sector 5. Yes, she had a whole half acre to herself, invisible to the normal eye in Sector 7, but Ivy always sought to make a greener world. Those who have been in the area before might note that the surrounding area appeared to be much more lush and colorful before, though the new additions were grown before this particular broadcast. Unlike some people she knew, she didn't feel the need to make all of her powers explicitly known to the public, even through so-called "accidental" transmissions. Lying in a casual position against a rather large revealed root of a tree, near a shallow hill, her attention was away from the camera, instead focusing on a bunch of grapes she nonchalantly held in one of her hands. It might seem strange that she's not holding her cellphone NV, but what the camera doesn't show is that it's being supported by another vine.]

I have a question...a rather intriguing one, I think.

[Turning to the camera, she gave a bit of a sly grin.]

Oh, don't worry. I'm not going to do my best psychologist impersonation...that's hardly my area of expertise and I won't pretend it is. My question, like last time, pertains to the matter of the Darkness.

[Rolling a grape between her index finger and her thumb, she gave a thought on how to word it, before continuing.]

Those who keep track may have noticed that it's the full moon tonight. Even though many of the tests are inconclusive, there are some plants, such as the morning glory, whose growth is stunted by the effects of the full moon. And though zoology is not something I'm nearly as knowledgeable in, I do recall some studies in which reports of animal bites were more frequent in the times of the full moon...which I would take to mean that the behavior of animals are more aggressive during that particular part of the lunar cycle.

I realize that I was present during the full moon last month, however the possibility didn't cross my mind until recently. Does the full moon effect the Darkness to an even more unpleasant state? Has anyone even looked into it? [Suddenly her expression shifts to her more signature sultry look.] Does anyone even dare~?

It's an intriguing possibility, is it not~? So just be careful, my darlings. Who knows what might happen out there tonight~! I'd hate to hear about more missing people in the next news feed, after all.

†: minako arisato, c: sam merlotte, c: ulquiorra cifer, c: rochelle, c: allen walker, c: miles edgeworth, !: poison ivy, c: ichimaru gin, c: toboe

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