
Sep 19, 2010 19:11

[The NV is set down just opposite him and he steps back to perch on the edge of a table. The astute might notice the Materia Kadaj gave him barely visible underneath his discarded coat, but other than that, there's nothing else visible of the room.

Liquid actually seems... happy. It's nothing concrete. It's written more in the lines of his body as he leans back, the tiny hint of a smile on his lips. It's hard to pinpoint, and harder to explain - and anyone that knows Liquid would probably assume bad shit has gone down to make him smile like that.

It hasn't. But there's something worrying about that slight smile. As if something is very wrong. Not for him, of course, but for other people. He absently opens a bottle of water, taking a deep drink of it. There's a moment of silence before he speaks, apparently mulling over his words.]

One by one, the chess pieces return to the game. I'm starting to wonder if I lost anything but my freedom in coming to this place. Just a few pieces left... and then everyone is here, in one form or another.

[His words are absently thoughtful.]

Even my reflection has returned to this place. [Brother - but Edgeworth is right... he is not Brother's shadow. Not any more. He made himself into that. He refuses to return to that.]

Back and forth... like puppets on a string. Thrown out and pulled back at will. Even death is selectively impermanent here. I wonder how many are better off as the "playthings" of this Core, compared to the trials they would have faced outside...

[A pause while he drinks a little more water.]

...something occured to me earlier as well. Is it possible to get Diazepam in this place? Preferably over the counter?

[He doesn't want to have to go psycho on some doctor just to keep Wolf sane.]


It appears I now have three places I call home. So don't be surprised if you're trying to find me and I'm not there.

[It isn't as if he hasn't been spending a ton of time at Ocelot's place anyway, but now he's added the Church of Jonova to the mix things are going to get more complicated.]

†: hal emmerich, †: ocelot, c: yaha, !: liquid snake, c: toboe, c: kadaj

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