5 // voice

Sep 17, 2010 11:15

[A few beats of near silence--muffled traffic noises, mostly. It might seem like this was an accidental recording, that the NV just turned on in a pocket--but eventually, after some deliberation as to whether or not this is even worth asking--]They haul people off all the time. I know that--that's not what I'm interested in. What I'm interested in ( Read more... )

c: kunogi himawari, c: nara shikamaru, †: axel, c: phoenix wright, †: severus snape, !: sirius black, †: poison ivy, c: franziska von karma, †: claire bennet, c: walter c. dornez

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[voice] controllingluck September 17 2010, 23:08:22 UTC
[After trying playing over the voice messages and hearing it was Remus missing she gasped. It's happening again. You get to know someone and they disappear. Just like before.]

Oh, oh no... Sirius-san! Is there anything I can do to help you look for him?


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 00:03:01 UTC
[a bit of a delay in the reply here to try and calm down a bit. you're too sweet for even Sirius to be cruel to, miss.]

Don't worry about it. I'm going to work it out, and take care of it. So not worrying would be about the most useful, on your part.


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 00:09:18 UTC
[D'awww, she would understand if he were cruel. but still...]

I... I can do more then just... sit back and not worry. I can help look too. Or... has anyone looked into raids? If there have been any lately? O-or the school... He was going to school. [Baw, she refuses to sniffle, but she does feel it building up]


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 00:25:41 UTC
No. That's all; just do the the not worrying bit, that's fine. You can look around, if you'd like, but--it's not likely he'll be found easily. I've been looking.

We were at school together. He doesn't get involved in things that'd lead to raids, he just--he's just gone, that's all.


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 00:41:34 UTC
I... [Hnn... frustrated sound, but... nods, even if it can't be seen. She'll look around for info still.] Okay. [It's happening again. Make friends? Lose em.] Okay... I'll... try not to worry. He's resourceful, so are you.


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 00:50:53 UTC
[slightly more cheerful--forced, but whatever--] You have no idea. We've powers you've never even imagined at our disposal. So there's no sense in thinking about it, right? If you find anything, of course, I'll gladly take your information--but it'll be sorted out in the end. No fear.


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 01:02:02 UTC
Yes. If... I find out anything, you'll be the first to know. [A sigh] So... are you... going to be alright?


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 01:22:16 UTC
Don't do anything stupid to find it out, all right? [and a laugh, now, slightly strained.] Yeah. Soon as I find who did this, and take care of it--I'll be fine. No worries.


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 01:28:52 UTC
I... have ways to find some information with out placing myself into trouble. [A pause. What if it's like... some of the others. Just disappears? Will he be fine then?] And if you don't find out who is responsible?


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 01:44:26 UTC
Yeah? What sort of ways are those, secret ways? [on his end, Sirius shoves his hand through his hair, tense, Merlin, is he tense and irritated and everything else, and he doesn't even want to consider that question, but--] I will. I'll find out, one way or another.


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 01:54:56 UTC
A... a bit secret, yeah. [Understandable, not wanting to consider it. There's a lot of people missing though...] Some people... say that the Core sends people home. They sometimes come back too. I don't think anyone knows who's responsible for it though, but... but I'd love to know who keeps taking... ah, taking my friends away. It happens... too much.


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 02:34:20 UTC
[a bit more harshly, now:] That doesn't make sense. It can't--they don't just disappear. They do, I mean, yeah, but there's a reason for it. There's always a reason. People say that, but they don't know that it's true or not, do they--it's just something that they say.


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 05:30:14 UTC
[A bit more... sternly. Faster spoken] I want to know the reason for it too. I've... been in two places like this now. I've... lost a lot of people. Friends from home or, or people I just... let myself get to know. I'm tired of it happening and don't want to be scared of losing people again. Y-your right. There has to be a reason. I want to know too. I want to know who or what or why it's happening also. It's something people say to make themselves feel better but.... it's never made me feel better at all. Ever.


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 06:11:50 UTC
[a pause. slightly... surprised, really, at much of that.] Two places, eh?

The Core. That's what everyone blames it on, don't they? So if we find that, then, maybe--I mean, maybe there's a way to work out who... To work out if people have gone that way, and not been just killed or hauled off. So is it better to start there, then, instead?


[voice] controllingluck September 18 2010, 06:24:46 UTC
[Pauses, to let out a sighed breath] Yes. Two places. Here and... another island. I've been away from home for about a year now.

[A hmmm, so considering. The core is the root of all evils it seems] They say the Core brings us here, so logically people assume it takes us away, but no one knows where it is. I've taken history classes here. They say it's been missing for ages now, though SERO says they have it. I don't think anyone believes it. We would need leads on where to look...

That... might be the best place to start though. If all these people were captured in raids and taken in as slaves they would have left some traces. Someone would have noticed them somewhere, right? So would checking slave sales and auctions would be more fruitless then looking for the core?


[voice] atrumcanis September 18 2010, 07:09:02 UTC
Oh. There's--a few like that, now, isn't there. [urgh, though, she likely doesn't want to talk about that--subject ought to be changed--]

They can't have it. If they had it, then they'd do something with it, wouldn't they. They don't want us here. Why wouldn't they do something about that--change it, stop it, something.

Both might be useless. I mean--if it is the Core, it's not as if we can ask it what's done with the people that are missing. We'll just be able to look at it, and--that's all. We still won't have very many answers, not unless a booklet comes with it.


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