
Sep 15, 2010 18:45

[Crocodile switches his feed on while he's relaxing in his swanky new apartment. Apparently he's put Robin's present to good use, securing himself a pretty nice loft. He's idly polishing the massive hook that serves as his left hand, a bottle of bourbon on the table to his side.]

So many clashing philosophies, what a wonderful social experiment this must be, to some.

[He puts away the shining materials and pours himself another glass, then lights up a cigar.]

Mister Edgeworth recently asked you all to expound on what you considered to be good and evil. Polarizing subjects always generate discussion, no? It made me recall something that's a very interesting topic, where I'm from.

Justice. What exactly is that, anyway? Can you tell me? Surely, there are many interpretations, someone's idea of what that is can mean much about them. What is it, hm? What are your ideals? How about your idea of what the limits of justice are? I've got my own, of course, you're hardly going to change my mind. Still, boredom does afford me some patience to listen.

[OOC: On a totally unrelated note, I'm tickled pink by this Crocodile AMV I just found.]

c: the joker, c: hibari kyouya, c: nara shikamaru, c: miles edgeworth, †: scarecrow, c: franz d'epinay, †: poison ivy, †: sir crocodile

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