
Sep 06, 2010 00:39


[Crocodile checks his pocket-watch, then picks up a newspaper to check the date.]

It would seem I'm another year older, then. Strange, how even on different worlds, we follow the same general time delineations. I suppose it's the little similarities that amaze me the most.

I wonder, how many of you have been here for a full year of life? More than a year? Two, even? Do you think you'll ever be returned, or have you decided to give in and try to settle a life for yourself here? Will you flounder or flourish? Do tell.

[OOC: Felt it appropriate, as September 5 is apparently Croc's canon birthday. A date late, technically, but I just found out.]

†: edward nygma, †: poison ivy, †: kouichi aizawa, c: samus aran, †: sir crocodile, c: daedalus yumeno

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