Sep 04, 2010 20:50
[The feed opens to show Roxas sitting at a table in the library, a small pile of books beside him. He looks a little subdued, but he's also trying to speak quietly.]
Everyone's been talking about it so it's not like you can miss it, but the film festival is really good. People worked hard-I liked Joe's and Sander's the best, but there's a lot of good ones. And the bug one was...interesting. If you haven't seen any yet, you should go before it's finished.
[He reaches over to the top book on the stack, lifting it just enough to see the title-it's a history book-before setting it down again.]
I haven't seen a lot of movies or read a lot of books before coming here, but I've been catching up. People have a lot of ways of looking at things. But I was thinking...even though we're from a lot of different worlds, people know some of the same things if they're from similar ones. History and traditions, like Edgeworth was talking about, and famous stories like the princess and tiger one.
There's a ton of books in the library, but they don't tell you where to start. So I was curious about which ones are important-what people should know about.
[He starts to say something more, but a stern-looking librarian walks over to shush Roxas. Replies will probably be made from outside on the library steps.]
†: oerba dia vanille,
!: roxas,
c: xion,
c: shiroe rei seki,
†: axel,
†: sora,
c: riku,
c: replica riku,
c: franziska von karma