Sep 01, 2010 05:38
[Sound of the communicator being set down. He decides to reach out to Urick. Yes, it can still be heard since he is speaking aloud -- doubly ensuring that he is heard.]
I haven't pushed you at all to talk to me. I haven't done anything to tie you to me. And yet, and yet, you still won't talk truly talk to me. Why do you use such cold tones? I just want you to smile to me. To take off your mask and smile as you always did. It always gave me such strength. Don't ignore me. Or, or ... hm, I wonder what will happen.
Love is very hard, isn't it? But that is what makes it so much fun, right? If it didn't hurt, it wouldn't be so exciting when that pain is erased with loving hands.
Isn't that a lovely romantic thought?
c: hibari kyouya,
†: nico robin,
†: poison ivy,
!: yaha,
c: ash