
Aug 26, 2010 19:20

So let's talk about consequences a minute.

The other night two psychotics with chips on their shoulders came into my club and threatened my customers and business 'cause they were screwed up enough to think comin' after me would solve somethin' for 'em. Happy to report they got their asses thrown out by our bouncers and a couple other employees so no one was hurt. But in the process of convincin' them to get the fuck outta my bar they ended up breakin' a couple thousand dollars worth of private property. Shit that I'm gonna have to replace usin' the AGI insurance policy, all 'cause these assholes don't know when to quit and get a better hobby.

I don't give a damn how powerful anybody is, how much magic they've got or how big their sword is - actions have consequences. And the consequences of these actions happen to have a two thousand dollar price tag on 'em that I ain't payin'. I'm not about to roll over and let people get away with whatever crap they wanna pull just 'cause they think they're strong enough to.

So you got two options now: you either pay up, or I get AGI involved. You think the police are bad? You ain't seen nothin' 'til you've seen AGI sic their legal team on someone.

You break it, you buy it, motherfuckers.

†: oerba dia vanille, c: xion, c: nami, c: rochelle, c: allen walker, c: miles edgeworth, c: replica riku, c: sirius black, !: sam merlotte, †: killer croc, †: lily baskerville, †: sookie stackhouse, c: yazoo, c: kadaj

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