Eleventh Heart ☆ Sora ☆ [Video]

Aug 25, 2010 14:52

[He's sitting on a roof somewhere, not looking bothered by the afternoon heat - although he does have a bottle of water beside him.  It's a short building so the view is rather obscure right now.]

So I was wondering: what's the name of the world you're from?  Have you been to another one before?  If so, what was that world's name and how did you get ( Read more... )

c: xion, c: roxas, c: shiroe rei seki, †: ryoutarou nogami, †: sora, c: allen walker, c: jack vessalius, †: akihiko sanada, c: riku, †: brooke

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action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 20:57:48 UTC
[He's not going to even bother replying, he just heads up onto the roof via the fire escape.]



action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 21:05:13 UTC
[There was a fire escape? He just jumped up here from a window ledge. Looks up at Riku.]


[A brief pause before he just blurts his question out:] How do you make them? The darkness corridors? I mean, I know what you use but...how exactly do you use that power to make it do what you want?


action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 21:17:05 UTC
[He wanders over to him, hands in his pockets.

Riku raises an eyebrow to the question, looking him up and down. What brought this on?]

It's an extension of darkness. It's like opening a rift in the darkness and melding it to your own use, but that makes it pretty unpredictable until you have good control over it.


action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 21:27:01 UTC
[Thoughtful for a moment, just gazing out over the scenery.]

So do you think using light like that would be unpredictable?


action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 21:30:13 UTC
Yeah, it probably would be just as unpredictable, and probably more dangerous depending on the world.


action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 21:40:26 UTC
A world like this one with so much darkness? 'Cuz you said, that we're all affected by it and if focusing on the light inside myself is what keeps me "me" and not a Heartless then that's what I should do, right?


action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 21:42:13 UTC
[He slowly sits down on the edge of the roof, settling his hands on his knees.]

Sure, you should focus on that light and hold onto it. That's the right thing to do. Just be careful. Using more and more of it might attract more of the monsters to you.


action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 21:58:21 UTC
[He nods and looks down at his hands wondering if someday it'll be as easy to make portals as the others make it seem.]

Does it help you when you make portals, or do you have to balance it with light?

[A small laugh.] I'm used to monsters being attracted to me.


action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 22:00:49 UTC
I don't have to balance it, no, but I try to anyway. I don't belong to either the light or the darkness any longer and I don't want to lose what I've worked to gain.

[He gives him a meaningful look.] Just be careful.


action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 22:17:07 UTC
[A shoulder bump.] Light, dark, in between - it doesn't matter 'cuz you belong with us and always will.

[Nods.] I'll be careful, and let you know how it's going.


action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 22:21:43 UTC
[He doesn't say what his tongue wants to, at first, but offers a smile instead.] Of course. I'm always going to be with you two.

What, exactly, are you going to be attempting?


action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 22:35:08 UTC
[Sora refuses to go home without Riku, no matter what - so even if it means forever chasing after his friend he'll do that.] And if you leave I'm gonna find you so I can hit you next time. [Possibly cry again but that's totally besides the point.]

I...have no idea. My final goal is to make corridors of light like others make ones of darkness. It probably won't work to leave this world so I'm just gonna try moving around the island.


action; walkthedawn August 25 2010, 23:18:50 UTC
You can try, at least. [The hitting part, he means. He knows Sora will find him.] I'll probably just stop you before you smack me around.

[A corridor of light, like back at the beach. That was a fluke and he knows it. But then...can Sora do it? No, it seems too dangerous.] That's going to be a lot of painful learning, you know.


action; key2destiny August 25 2010, 23:42:40 UTC
[Grins because that sounded like a challenge.] Yeah? You think so? Guess we'll just have to find out who's right down the line somewhere.

[He sighs and drops his head into his hand.] I know, but I can kinda already use light to some extent and it's all intentional so I think I can do this. 'sides, it's not like book learning or school learning so it won't be too bad.


action; walkthedawn August 26 2010, 00:31:24 UTC
[He reaches out and ruffles Sora's hair.] Guess so.

Sora, practicing with either light or dark will cause strain enough on the strongest of people. I don't doubt you can do it, but I just don't want you to be tired and running around in the Darkness too.


action; key2destiny August 26 2010, 00:51:05 UTC
[Attempting to swat that hand away with a laugh.] Hey!

I wasn't planning on working on it far from home, in fact I was thinking of only going as far as the beach across the street even during the day.


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