[mostly text]

Aug 23, 2010 14:41


I Hanamura The POLICE are looking for any information pertaining to two (2) individuals that have recently gone missing and are believed to be deceased. The individuals are:

Souji Seta (1)
Rise Kujikawa (1)

Individuals are around 180 and 160 cm. They were last seen I mean Kujikawa was 160 and Seta-kun was 180 ( Read more... )

†: minako arisato, †: calisto yew, †: oerba dia vanille, c: shiroe rei seki, †: turkey, c: gilbert nightray, c: miles edgeworth, †: yosuke hanamura, †: waka, †: mitsuru kirijo, †: kanji tatsumi, †: shinjiro aragaki, †: adachi tohru

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1/3 implausibility August 23 2010, 19:53:56 UTC
Huh? ...Oh.


implausibility August 23 2010, 19:54:07 UTC
implausibility August 23 2010, 19:54:19 UTC
I did try my best...


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implausibility August 23 2010, 20:00:08 UTC
I am part of the police.

[A little proudly. On his end, he jabs his thumb into his chest a little too hard, and there's a soft, muffled, 'Ouch' before he continues.]

Think of it...like a side job for them. Most of the guys are too busy wrapping up that riot stuff, so I thought I'd help them out. Why? Have you seen 'em? Rest assured - any information you give me is anony-...well, at least it's classified and safe with me!


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implausibility August 23 2010, 20:09:43 UTC
[A small pause. He's not getting the connotation here.]

He's working with me.

[An awkward laugh.]

Heh...you say that like there's something wrong with the police. Th-this isn't some anti-authority movement thing again, is it?


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implausibility August 23 2010, 20:17:18 UTC
It's just that there seems to be a lot of anti-police sentiment floatin' around this place. Guess I can't really blame the civvies, but there's not much we can do most of the time, you know? They pay us pennies to begin with. You know what happens when you don't get paid? You have to shop in the discount aisle of the groceries section. And all that's left there at the end of the day is the really misshapen cabbage and vegetables that no one wants, like...zucchini. And when you don't get enough nutrition in your body - like good, ol' meat protein, then it's tough to really get in tip-top shape to be running around and fighting off monsters and riots and stopping wheelchair races... Of course, no one ever thinks of that side of the equation, they're all just too busy thinking about how they can't do what they want...


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implausibility August 23 2010, 21:21:28 UTC
But things like that...it's only open during normal work hours, right? Bet they shutter right up by the time I get out. And even then I'd get stuck with the ones that are all bruised and squishy from being out in the heat all day.

[A heavy sigh.]

Don't worry - I know how it is. I don't really expect much anymore.


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implausibility August 23 2010, 23:21:01 UTC
...It's not all fun and games, you know. I mean, sure, we get our free coffee and donut breaks, but when things start crackin' and the wheels start turning, it really gets tough sometimes.


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implausibility August 24 2010, 00:22:42 UTC
Well. Handling a gun's pretty sweet.

[Deep reasons and convictions. Yeah, he has 'em. Right.]


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