[Third try's the charm. Or is it the sixth? He can't remember. You'd think after months spent in the bowels of the coldest villages imaginable, sleeping under the stars and in caves while weathering the elements would have turned his immune system to stone.
Instead he finds himself red around the nose and congested, slouching on his bed and
Read more... )
You look like shit. Did you catch the flu?
He knocks. ]
It seizes like a fist in his chest, and the knocking startles him still. His head turns slowly, eyes wide and staring at the doorway in a mixture of mute confusion, then betrayed anger.
How the hell did Kakashi know where he lived?
Propelled up by his own temper (and admittedly very little else; his limbs felt like noodles and his head was stuffed with cotton, light and floating away) he crawled to his feet and crossed to the door, wrenching it open to glare at the man just outside.
Or at least, he tried to.
It was hard to look anything but pathetic in sleeping clothes, and wobbling on your own feet.]
Kakashi hoists up the thermos. ]
I brought you some soup.
[ His eye crinkles with a smile. Because that is what Kakashi does. ]
... soup. How did you -
[Coughing kills the sentence, but it could encompass several things all at once, and Kakashi's supposedly a genius. 'How did you find me, how did you get past all the traps we set, how' or better yet 'WHY'. He's fairly sure shouting would kill him, or he'd try that.
A good breeze could bowl him over. He feels vulnerable, all of a sudden, but that's nothing new where Kakashi's concerned.]
[ Kakashi intentionally interprets "how did you" as "how did you make it" though he knows quite well that isn't at all what Sasuke wanted to ask. He continues to hold the thermos out, waiting for Sasuke to take it. ]
How does Kakashi even remember something that minuscule? Just a brief passing mention, a muttering sigh from a pre-teen 'I like tomatoes, I guess' when Naruto wouldn't shut up about favorite foods.
Kakashi hadn't been listening at the time, he'd been reading porn.
Hadn't he..?
Sasuke's eyes drop to the thermos. It looks normal... and even if he has no working sense of smell, if Kakashi'd poisoned it wouldn't show up that easily. His fingers twitch like he wants to take it, then still.]
I didn't tell you where I live.
[ Itachi did, but Kakashi's not about to say that, since it'll only cause trouble for Itachi. He'll let Sasuke believe whatever he wants about him, instead.
The thermos in his hand is warm, but it won't stay warm forever, and Sasuke looks terrible. All worn out and sick. Like he might just fall over if a breeze blew too hard. It's cold outside, too -- hanging in the doorway like this can't possibly be good for him. Kakashi continues to hold the thermos out, waiting for Sasuke to take it.
It has tomatoes in it, after all -- and Kakashi does remember Sasuke saying he liked tomatoes. Remembers seeing him munching on them every now and then. Even if he always had his face buried in a book, he was always watching over the edges of it. ]
Damnit ... fine, whatever.
[He makes a bleary swipe at the thermos and turns back indoors. If that's what it takes to make Kakashi go away.]
Sasuke. You're bleeding.
[ He'd reach out to grab Sasuke's wrist, but he doesn't want to to alarm him. ]
You didn't come in contact with a rat, did you?
He squints down at his hand, then shakes his head, frustrated beyond all reason.]
No. We don't have rats.
[ He acquiesces quietly. ]
Those rats are infected -- contact with them can mean death. Anyway, rest up and feel better.
[Another hoarse cough rips free, sapping away his energy and dizzying up his head into exhausted spinning.]
- infested with them.
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