✚ 4 - video

Aug 11, 2010 03:15

[Rebecca is in a new location since her last video! It is primarily boxes but obviously things are in varying degrees of unpacked.]

I've been so busy lately I haven't had the chance to check in here as often as I'd like. I hope after all the mess last week everyone is doing okay...

[She frowns a little, glancing off to the side of the screen and biting her lip, before looking back] I've been at the hospital, a lot. But Alice and I have moved out of the Tower Apartments, at least!

It's nice to be out of there.

Oh, speaking of...

[There's a bit of fumbling, here, while she attempts to get the video to switch over to private. Eventually, the feed will snap off for the general public]

[Private to Billy Coen // Easy to Hack]

...okay I think I've got it.

Um, Billy? If you're not busy, would you mind coming over to help move furniture around? I can make it worth your time.

†: billy coen, !: rebecca chambers, c: daedalus yumeno

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