3✯: [ audio ]

Feb 05, 2010 14:03

[Snickering softly to himself as he skims through today's news, Luka makes a few comments here and there.] I'll be damned! On the news already, eh? I got be a little more careful, I am definitely not a fan of publicity.

Hey, Kanji. I hope I didn't rough you up too badly. [Mutters] Although, I think you've actually got the better of me the other day.

No matter. It seems that there are plenty of people wandering around here boasting magics I never seen before. It's a regular old freakshow around here but at least that's somewhat comforting.

Still no way out of this town but at least one of my questions has been answered.

In addition, I'm staying the hell away from sushi for awhile along with fish in general.

†: kanji tatsumi, †: ironhide, c: miles edgeworth, †: luka guillaume reinhardt, †: haruka tenoh

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