Well. I'm not known for my sparkling optimism, but I really
[a break in typing. when he starts up again, the words come slowly]
really didn't expect so much to change within a year, assuming this happy piece of dystopia reflects the rest of the outside world.
Not as big of a leap as some of you have taken here, I'm sure, but I really would've liked to see the rest of 2009 out before being catapulted six months into the future. I guess it would be too much to ask if someone could catch me up with what happened in the world during that time?
...And by "world", I'm referring to this one -- Earth. I'm not going to touch the rest of you loons who believe in a multiverse with a ten-foot pole.
[filtered to "Snake"; semi-easy to hack]
I never thought snakes would value truth so highly, especially an absolute one that some would view little more than a moral to be preached. I see this one still has a conscience.