iii. voice.

Aug 05, 2010 19:47

Maybe those horoscopes by that Madame had a point. Every one of them was rather foreboding, weren't they? And with the riot...

[ah-hem. that wasn't a friendly topic to start with. but Allen's a bit on the quiet, trialing side voice-wise, for anyone who's talked at length with him before.]... Anyway ( Read more... )

†: kanda yuu, c: nana, c: tyki mikk, c: nara shikamaru, !: allen walker, †: luke fon fabre, c: gilbert nightray

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[text] atrumcanis August 6 2010, 04:19:02 UTC
What's in these kits? And what 'things'? Don't get philosophical. Boring!


Voice. 1/2. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 04:35:59 UTC
They're first aid kits, and-- things, ah, like-


Voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 04:37:49 UTC
-- Whether or not they met a Sirius Black in those off-shooting worlds.


text atrumcanis August 6 2010, 04:42:27 UTC
All right but what's in them. Medical thingers like what?

Why would they have met a Sirius Black! There's only one. Well three actually but only one is currently living to all intents and purposes. What are you on about.


voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 05:07:02 UTC
Bandages, braces, splints, clamps, hydrogen peroxide, cotton swabs, scissors, needles, rubbing alcohol and antiseptic. Some other things, too.

I heard there's at least one still around. They could meet him, I believe.


text. atrumcanis August 6 2010, 05:15:29 UTC
They're going to need all that? For what?

Hearsay. A rumor. They could meet him but they had better act quickly if that's what they want! A limited offer!


Voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 05:18:27 UTC
Healing. I imagine they'll be used up pretty soon, actually.

Would you happen to know if he's somewhere in the vicinity, sir?


text. atrumcanis August 6 2010, 05:22:15 UTC
Yeah I expect everyone is flopping about dying, aren't they. Isn't that what hospitals are for? Or they ought to take it like a man, as they say, stiff upper lip and all.

Haven't seen him. He's likely in a ditch somewhere, silly git.


voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 06:05:49 UTC
There's only so many hospitals and invincible men around, unfortunately. Maybe one and ten of each. Better to prepare for the other dozens.

... Sleeping, would you say?


text. atrumcanis August 6 2010, 06:19:21 UTC
Or prepare hospitals to make more invincible men, that would be far more practical. Are you one of those doctors or do you only pretend at being one?

Sleeping yeah. Or dead! Passed out! Bleeding from the nose! Exhausted! Hiding from trolls! Who knows, mate, who knows. Unpredictable, that Sirius Black.


Voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 06:25:26 UTC
And make riots like these particularly worse. Mm, neither-- it's always others who do that.

Apparently. I never thought-- [redirect,] well, if you see him, could you give him something for me?


text. atrumcanis August 6 2010, 06:40:10 UTC
So only helpful then, bless you.

Well he's predictable in that he always accepts presents. What is it?


Voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 06:46:14 UTC
Ah, that's alright.

If his nose isn't bleeding, would you make sure it is? There's just been a riot, you see, and he hasn't given any word on how he is. But roll him on his side, too; I wouldn't want him to choke.


text. atrumcanis August 6 2010, 06:54:08 UTC
Well that's not exactly on is it! Perhaps he's been injured and can't reply. Perhaps he's already choking on blood. Perhaps he's out rescuing a load of schoolchildren. Perhaps he's scouring wreckage for interesting bits of treasure to give to his good mate Allen as a I dunno a birthday present. An infinite number of possibilities. How dare you disgrace a hero!


voice. payingthepiper August 6 2010, 07:13:04 UTC
I'd hate to have to call him that. Heroes are ones who have already passed on, though normally not after encouraging schoolgirls to ruin a few extra cars-- seems a bit off from the typical image, if you ask me.

Then again, he was an odd prankster. He'll be remembered clearly, at least.


text. atrumcanis August 6 2010, 07:17:45 UTC
He never encouraged anyone to do anything that they didn't want to do, and you can write that on his tombstone. And there's nothing wrong with an nontraditional hero.

If by "odd" you mean "wonderfully dashing and charming and everyone will mourn his memory" then yes! What's got you being so cruel, anyways?


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