8; video

Jul 17, 2010 11:29

[ Here is Koumyou Sanzo, the white-robed priest with his sutra mantle and graying blond braid. He's sitting in front of the small strip mall office with a green sign in the window, though a small paper with the handwritten hours of operation cover up the 'No Fleas Allowed' bit. He's fussing with a pair of purple sunglasses, which he tucks into his sleeve. ]

I've heard it said that the universal constant is change. I've never been much of a philosopher, but it seems to me if change is constant, then it's not really change, right?

Just the same, who am I going to get to move heavy things for me now?

[ Remembering himself, he addresses his NV directly. ]

Ah. I'm Koumyou Sanzo. There were some unexpected expenses with Darkness-proofing this place after the earth quake... it seems like quite some time ago since I've made a post doesn't it? And since the earthquake, come to think of it... maybe it's a flimsy excuse, ha ha.

For those who are new or weren't paying attention, this is the Newcomer Faith Center. A place that offers various spiritual services - spiritual counseling and religious services for free, and so on. We are located a block North from the Elmer Stop on the subway, in the 4th Sector, not far from the baseball diamond. Since I'm here most evenings after closing hours, I'm also prepared to offer protection from Darkness for an evening or two for anyone who gets stuck out here.

Honestly, during the way, we've become kind of a daycare... [ laugh ] Most days I read a few books to a few of the neighborhood children, or do crafts, and maybe do a little bit of yoga. The truth is, I'm really not good with lectures or official business, but I was thinking of holding a monthly meeting for newcomers, a sort of town meeting to discuss ways to improve life and increase community outreach for newcomers in a neutral environment.

Aside from that, we're working on a swap box! Right now, the only available item is an old rubber plunger, though...

!: koumyou sanzo, c: xion, †: sora

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