Jul 15, 2010 21:59
[Image opens on a bare room, perhaps some kind of garage or warehouse. No obvious markings on the walls or telltale views through the windows.]
You know, these companies must not think a lot of their equipment, if they make it so easy to take. Guess they just don't care. It's a shame - this is some quality stuff.
[The camera pans to a basic desk... lined with all sorts of gear. Communication tech, mid-grade ordnance, explosives, tracking bugs, and a variety of medical equipment. The keener observers might recognize some of it as SERO-issued.]
But hey, their loss is my gain. Might keep the van, but we'll see.
So, where should we start the buying?
[OOC: All replies are scrambled (read: untraceable) unless the poster deems otherwise.]
c: the joker,
†: red x,
c: shiroe rei seki,
c: giovanni,
c: jubilation lee,
c: allen walker,
c: samus aran,
†: yagami raito,
c: replica riku