fifth petal --

Jul 12, 2010 20:28

[The video zooms in on Aerith adjusting some various pots in a brightly decorated store. It's not very big, about the length of of a small room but it has a counter with a purple table-cloth, and a bright sign in pink letters at the top that read, "SIREN'S FLOWERS".

She lifts her head briefly, and she manages a faint smile. There is weariness on her mouth, her smile, and her eyes are briefly shadowed. Something is bothering her but she keeps it cleverly hidden unless you know her well enough by now.

I'd like to thank everyone who helped set this place up. All of you did a wonderful job and I truly appreciate it, to those of you who have yet to stop by, we're located in the shopping district. We're pretty hard to miss with all the color, something this place needed don't you think?

To those that helped, co-workers: Private
Thank you all, I'm excited about working with you.
Let's make sure to work this around your schedules, okay?]/unprivate]

..I had to start something. Still how could I have..

[Accidentially streams her voice unnaturally heavy, before with a brief blink, realizes the feed is still on and shuts it off with a faint smile]

c: replica riku, c: riku, †: brooke, †: aerith gainsborough, †: slash

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