031. Video

Jul 12, 2010 22:59

[Better prepared this time, Light sits in a park mid-afternoon, looking tired and drawn, even if his hair is neatly combed and his shirt buttoned high. There's very few things that really ruffle his feathers, but this morning's adventure has done just that.]

I recieved a call this morning to come and examine a John Doe they'd discovered inside a skip, clearly concealed there several days ago. A victim of a mugging - or so it appeared - the man had been shot in the head at close range.

[A small pause. Light doesn't look anywhere but at the camera, deliberately icy as he contains his feeling about the matter. At this point it's pride that he can make it through a video post on the subject, nothing else. Still, that visit to the police station mortuary had been gruesome; something he doesn't ever want to do again. That something so simple as a bullet could kill L is just criminal, and distinctly - the only thing keeping him going - is his desire to hunt down the one responsible. Even though there was no evidence.]

There wasn't much left, but I was confident that it was his body. I would like to thank everyone who offered their help in the search for my friend, and please enjoy the rest of your day.

[This next part is private to Near and Mello]

You can go and look for yourself if you want. Personally, I don't believe he'd want anyone to see him in that state. The police say that there's often small violent crimes like this one that go unsolved, and there's nothing they can do about it considering the lack of evidence. We'll have to wait and see if he comes back, now.

[This part is private to Big Boss]

I...wanted to apologise. What I said to you the other day was out of line, and while I do hope you can make some kind of exception for me, considering - well this - I will understand if you're too furious to speak to me.

†: yagami raito, †: mello, c: near

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