Day 110; [voice/video]

Jul 09, 2010 14:06

[BACKDATED slightly to last night following the conclusion of this thread. At first there's just a lot of fumbling on the audio feed, and then Roxas's less-than-articulate mumbles can be heard.]

...give't back, it's my NV. I'm fine.

[Some more scuffling ensues as someone else gets hold of the device, and the feed switches to video, revealing the ( Read more... )

!: roxas, c: allen walker, c: riku, c: replica riku, †: lexaeus, †: vexen, *action log, †: atlas

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voice; walkthedawn July 9 2010, 18:34:46 UTC
[Brb, staring.] ...What's going on?


voice; he_shrugged July 9 2010, 18:41:23 UTC
[from Roxas's NV of course, have a hesitant pause. Then some bewildered and sheepish Atlas.] Ta be honest I'm not too sure. I think the lad's iced tea order was mistaken for something a little... well, stronger.


voice; walkthedawn July 9 2010, 18:49:57 UTC
[ugh, you idiots.] Where are you two?


voice; he_shrugged July 9 2010, 19:05:23 UTC
[blame society :<] In front of the apartments. Hard to miss him, got a blank look 'bout him.


voice; walkthedawn July 9 2010, 19:09:33 UTC
[I'm gonna blame the adult in this situation. 8|] I'm coming, just keep him there.


voice; -> action? he_shrugged July 9 2010, 20:58:00 UTC
[fff, you and your sound logic.] Got it.

[Guess who is babysitting the drunk and sighing. This guy right here.]


action; walkthedawn July 9 2010, 21:03:54 UTC
[Riku wanders over to find them both there and it's all he can do to keep the edge out of his voice. Honestly, Atlas, he's heard the stories from Cohen. This does not improve your image. But he walks up anyway, nodding to him in greeting before turning to Roxas.]

Roxas, are you okay?


action; pullsheavendown July 9 2010, 21:09:13 UTC
[Roxas has been persuaded that leaning against the wall to wait for his ride is a better idea than getting forcibly halted or sat upon. He's been idly opening dark corridors every few minutes-or trying, because a weird distortion in the air is as good as it gets. Who knows where it would lead if he could open one completely.]

Mmm? I'm fine. Keep telling him that.

[Except he's tired now, and wants to go home, but the ground is more than a little unsteady and it's easier to stay here and just stare into space.]


action; walkthedawn July 9 2010, 23:47:55 UTC
[He bends down a little to look Roxas in the eye, reaching out and putting a hand on his shoulder.]

You look a little red in the face. Do you want to go home?


action; he_shrugged July 9 2010, 23:53:15 UTC
[Ffff Cohen. Just you wait on that one Riku.

Atlas has the good grace to look sheepish.] Sorry 'bout this, bit of a mix up. [He glances at the zombie.] Might need ta take him somewhere, looks like ya'd knock and no one'd be home.


action; pullsheavendown July 9 2010, 23:54:11 UTC
[He gives off a halfhearted shrug at the touch, but it takes him a few extra beats to process the question and give an answer. It's almost like it used to be when he was new, everything slowed down and taking extra concentration...but not exactly the same.]



action; walkthedawn July 10 2010, 01:42:07 UTC
And you said he just ordered an iced tea? [Can you hear the iciness in his tone, Atlas?]

I'll take him home. C'mon, Roxas. I'll carry you. [The kid doesn't look like he can walk in a straight line.]


action; he_shrugged July 10 2010, 02:13:18 UTC
[oh he does sir, he does.] Was my fault, should have been more careful. [cohen's lackey 8| got my eye on you]

[He turned to Roxas.] Take care of yerself, yeah kid? I'll apologize proper when yer not lookin' so... absent.


action; pullsheavendown July 10 2010, 02:42:00 UTC
'sfine. Thanks for... [For what? He nods vaguely in Atlas' direction and shrugs again before pushing off from the wall. He has to place his steps carefully, but he stays upright.]

I can walk.

[Things are still fuzzy, but he knows he doesn't want anyone to carry him.]


action; walkthedawn July 10 2010, 03:07:14 UTC
Yeah, you should have. [A kid, for crying out loud.] But thank you for watching over him and making sure he was safe.

[He turns back to Roxas.] Okay, let's go.


action; pullsheavendown July 10 2010, 03:29:03 UTC
[Letting Riku take the lead seemed like the right thing to do, so Roxas followed along wordlessly, head slightly down. A part of him, small and quiet, registered the fact that he didn't really want Riku to see him like this, but everything seemed slightly too unreal for it to matter.

When they reached a corner, he stumbled as he stepped off the curb, taking an extra second to regain his bearings. What was wrong with him? Walking without tripping wasn't normally so intensive.]


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