
Jun 17, 2010 07:17

I have found that sunup is often a successor to exhaustion; this is not actually directly related to the fact that many wake in the morning. Simply, things happen at night. The sun rises after ordeals. The fact that sun will in fact keep coming up is an indication of another fact: the ordeal will have ended, sooner or later.

This is not philosophical. It's just that bad things happen at night a lot.

The granny I knew did finally die. Grampa will follow, but not directly after. Anyway, he's given me papers saying that the baking place is basically mine. I have a feeling it's not extra official. Selling it would be useless. Maybe I will give it away. Who here likes cooking? Speaking of which, I am considering losing my vocal chords. Maybe I will use the building for something else. The elderly are generous, if you're a certain sort of person.

What are your standards for impatience? Answer that more quickly than the cooking question, unless you are an actual cook.

It's becoming warmer. That's an excuse to wear less. [evidenced, perhaps, by her short sleeves. she doesn't look displeased.] I think I prefer summer. People should start picking the cattail plants. I like those. People go barefoot more often in summer, right? I'll do that, too.

The cattails! [stern. then, she reaches to kill the feed.]

†: teresa, !: shijima kurookano, †: heiwajima shizuo, c: miles edgeworth, c: daedalus yumeno, c: riku, c: sirius black, c: naruto uzumaki, †: big boss

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