
Jun 10, 2010 01:38

[should be asleep. isn't. there's a bruise on her face, and she's fully dressed; no nightclothes. triela looks agitated, nearly panicked - she's pacing in front of her NV. two steps left, step and a half right, step left, three right. grit teeth.]

This state affairs is too--

I can't keep track of things when it's like this. It's hard enough to get out at night when I need to, and now everything's ruined...

[sharp sound from inbetween her teeth.]

How the hell am I supposed to look for him when things are like this? But it's because things are like this that I need to keep a closer eye out. Damn it.


I can't sleep when it's like this. And those things out there are starting to- [such frustration.] I can't bear waiting until morning. I don't know how anyone is sleeping.

[and she turns away, swiping up the NV, moving to turn it off, murmuring,] When is the damned sun coming up?

!: triela, †: heiwajima shizuo, c: aoyagi ritsuka

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