Friday; June 4, 2010
The weather for today will be rainy throughout the day, with heavier showers throughout the afternoon. High of 26°C and a low of 16°C (78°F/61°F).
Morning sirens will go off at 6:00 am, and evening sirens will go off at 9:30 pm.
Eviction Notices
Crime Rate Discussion Raises Controversy .
There has been much discussion over the murders in the city over the past few months, and there is an article about the rise and fall of the crime rate over the past year. They’ve got the normal expert types they drag into this kind of thing, a few quotes from Redgrave’s office, and a few quotes from the police.
Overall, they seem to all be of the opinion that it hasn’t become a large problem in comparison to the last year, in fact, the largest raise in the past few months was during the honesty crisis when people couldn’t lie and murders and suicides spiked.
One of the police quotes goes on to say that they probably shouldn’t count some of the murders as murders because of the people returning and the fact that they personally think the they should count as attempted ones or assaults. This goes on to be an issue over the rest of the article, with various experts agreeing or disagreeing with varying levels of respect for officer who made the initial quote.
It devolves mostly into a lot of people giving various opinions with greater or lesser amounts of facts backing their assumptions and all attempts at hiding the fact that this is article consists of a lot of arguments stops from then on.
The Food Critic.
We welcome back Petey DeJunay, our esteemed food critic who recently had suffered a very extreme case of food poisoning in the line of work and was unable to write. We are very glad to have him back with us, and we hope that his good health continues.
The ambiance? Upbeat. Cheery. Yet there is sadness about the place, a certain longing and nostalgia for a life that never was. In the central dining room, watching your fellow patrons down their Mississippi Mudslides and throw back BBQ ranch bacon quesadilla sticks, staring at the knick-knacks and the flair, you're put in the mind of a man watching the final revelries of Pompeii, those last desperate acts of revelry before all were consumed and all perished. But, indeed, this sorrow is truly in but the mind, and in the spirit, for the only thing volcanic here is the chicken wings.
And what is to be said of the food? Ahh, this too speaks deeply of a sorrow intrinsic to man, a life too ephemeral, a world too brief. When you are charged with your own mortality, what choice have you but to dine upon the triple-battered Onion Flower with bacon bleu cheese dipping sauce? (A fine creation, of the highest order, with a lovely crunch and deep nuances of sweetness, of those selfsame mineral caves where the cheese has been aged - a monument to the agelessness of rock, bitter in the face of the aging of man!) And what choice have you but to drink of the bacon martini? (Do not laugh, dear readers, for an animal had to die for this drink. Yea, the beverages too are mortal here!) And the main course? A thick, leaden burger, as immovable as rock, as heavy as time.
And the dessert? A brownie, mounded with ice-cream, decorated with spitting roman candles. Looking upon it, I knew - I knew. They know of their deaths. They know of mine. They know of humanity's. In that candle I saw the end of the universe, and I was moved.
Bennyton's, you have moved me.
AMBIANCE: ****/****
SERVICE: **/****
FOOD: ***/****
Classified Ads
Pet sale : Over shipment of small pets. Need to get rid of mice, guinea pigs, gerbils, and hamsters. Large sale, but no bulk buys unless explained.
Daycare Hiring: Need someone with a lot of experience to work at Hayworth’s daycare in sector three. Benefits and raise after three month trial period, and newcomers welcome.