6; voice

Apr 26, 2010 02:11

As much as I dislike it, I suppose it's about time I start behaving like a spiritual leader.

I know there was a young man here who grew up in a shrine, I'd like to hear from any others who have a background in religious practice, or are otherwise called upon by faith. The particular faith doesn't matter, really, in fact, variety would be better.

...I should explain, shouldn't I? My, I'm really terrible at formal things like this. Being here had been such a nice vacation from all the paperwork at the temple...

I'm Koumyou Sanzo. The title 'Sanzo' means I'm the highest manner of priest as anointed by the gods. I have a certain amount of tasks and responsibilities that go along with that, but I'm certain you're all more interested in what this has to do with you.

While I think it's very generous of the various groups in Siren's Port to conduct memorial services for those among the newcomers who have shed the mortal coil, I also believe it is. How shall I put it. Not quite their business to do so.

It feels a bit too political for my taste.

I've saved up a little money. With a little more, the upkeep of a small building could be maintained. I want to start a newcomer faith center. Not a temple or anything so strict, but a place where newcomers can turn for spiritual guidance from representatives of many different faiths - and a place for those representatives to gather and organize rites like funerals, and, hopefully someday, happier occasions like weddings. That way, when one of our own dies, or is born, or what have you - the rites will be for us, by us. Of course, it goes without saying we'll have to work hard for the money to upkeep such an organization, but, I'm sure we can manage.

Getting this little project off the ground is going to be a lot of work~ but I hope some of you feel as excited about it as I am.

Oh, and Kakashi? I want to thank you for the opportunity you've given me to learn about the things some people worship, however, I think it's time for me to go back to teaching people to love themselves in a more conventional way. Consider this my two weeks' notice~.

†: ukoku sanzo, !: koumyou sanzo, c: suou tamaki, , †: yoite, †: sha gojyo, †: hatake kakashi, c: miles edgeworth, †: castiel, c: doumeki shizuka, c: replica riku

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