Sunday, January 15th, 2012
Weather A funneling cold front is moving in, bringing with it a mix of sun and cloud and on/off flurries throughout the day.High 2°C and a low of -4°C (36deg;F/25°F)
Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Morning sirens go off at 9:05am, and evening sirens are at 5:38 pm.
[A reminder that the explosion at the towers will be happening at approximately 5pm. There will be a little less than 40 minutes to evacuate before darkness seep.
Details/Plotting Here]
March 21 - April 19
Making a huge difference can be just as easy as making a small one. Choose the action that matters most, and you can't help but affect many people. Family and companions have enough to do, so don't ask anything of them that you can take care of unaided. Only an absolute necessity would be worth the imposition. This is a good day to put a new plan into motion, regarding how to use new funds. Make sure to put some aside for a rainy day, and everything should turn out just fine.
April 20 - May 20
You'll recognize a good thing immediately and this will give you an advantage. There will be an opportunity that will go to the one fast enough to snap it up, so prepare to pounce as soon as your gut instinct kicks in. However, be exceptionally mindful of how much you purchase on credit. Don't load up on a lot of extravagant whims, just because you feel like rewarding yourself. Debt is not your happiest option. Get around to settling those IOUs in your life, ASAP.
May 21 - June 20
Even though you can sense what others feel, not that these feelings are always changing. Remember that you can always exert influence on the people around you, if you choose to. Your social power is more extreme than you realize, flourishing this week. However, people in general are a bit touchy right now, so avoid talking volatile issues with anybody, especially your mate. If a distasteful subject is introduced, it could spoil your day. Keep things bright. It's up to you to set the tone.
June 21 - July 22
You're feeling open and ready to give your love. You'll share sweet moments with those who have a direct line to your heart. But don't be overbearingly sentimental, or people may feel uncomfortable and avoid you. It's always unwise to impose one's ideas on others, but it could prove to be especially disastrous this week. People mostly want to relax and enjoy themselves. Lean to respect personal boundaries of the closest members of your nest, or they'll be likely to fly off.
July 23 - August 22
Your competitive spirit is strong. Whatever the game happens to be, you'll feel as though you were meant to be its winner. Don't rest on your laurels, and try to be competent with the management of your resources. There's no need to be totally wasteful regarding things that bring you instant gratification. Promote your allies' interests, and they'll make you proud in the coming year. Lavish time on the ones you adore. Speaking knowledgeably will win you a prime position in someone's heart.
August 23 - September 22
It might seem like everyone is making heavy demands on your time, and you may have to alter you plans somewhat to accommodate them. This feels trying within the coming week, but hang in there and be gracious. It'll be worth it in the long run. You will continue to imagine someone dear to you as whole and healed. It's not how that person is today, but if you can envision a day in the near future where this will be the case, your faith in their recovery will inspire and uplift them.
September 23 - October 23
This will be the week that you get your plans together for the months to come. It's best to write these things down. Empty your head now of everything relevant to important goals, so that you can move on to the celebrating part of the day. Let go of things that have been bothering you. If you are a tad too sensitive for your own good, it might cause you to put up emotional walls, instead of building bridges to meet friends and family halfway. You could end up losing much-needed support.
October 24 - November 21
Be prepared to say goodbye to old pains and hello to new adventures. You'll systemically build on small victories, and before you know it, you've done something remarkable. Your accomplishments will give you a stable sense of pride. Unless you try to live within your means, you will end up with a bad case of spenders' remorse. Don't involve yourself in things that are beyond your reach, financially, because this stability is less likely to extend into your wallet.
November 22 - December 21
Interacting with loved ones will be an absolute dream this week. You'll be working out many of your long held feeling on both an conscious and subconscious level. Look deeply into interpersonal matters and focus your attention on people one-to-one, to capture the most meaningful moments. The best way to get people to help you achieve your personal objectives is to keep some of your own assertiveness in check. Aggressive behavior can slow the development of willing support.
December 22 - January 19
Remember the old adage, "keep it simple, stupid." It's time-tested and relevant advice for you, this week. Nothing worthwhile will be achieved if your plans are overly convoluted and complex. You'll do what you want to do, knowing that what you have, all you know, and who you are at this point in your life is enough. Rest in the satisfaction of the present, because there is a bumpy road on the horizon. A quiet reflective week now may be just the recharging you need to take it on.
January 20 - February 18
You'll turn a negative into a positive this week. Tell yourself that next time you encounter a problem or unwanted condition, you'll do something bold to change the dynamics. Just make sure it's your own business! If you poke your snoot into situations or places where it doesn't belong, you're likely to be drawn into an unpleasant situation that you and everyone else will soon be trying to avoid. Keep to your own set of troubles, and focus on turning them around.
February 19 - March 20
Important decisions shouldn't be rushed, especially without first considering the opinions of everybody who will be affected by the results. Like the old piece of wisdom from tortoise, slow and steady wins the race. Embrace patience this week, and sooner than you think, you'll feel like a runner crossing the finish line. If your arms in the air don't cue the applause, than pat yourself on the back instead. Your sense of positive self-worth will take you further in satisfaction than everyone else's approval.
[OOC Note: The horoscopes are considered by most in the City to be very accurate, since a lady with an ability for this sort of thing provides them. Use them as you will - accurate or not.]
A letter was sent to the SPPD this afternoon, unmarked and left on the front desk. There was no sign as to who left it, and the CCTV at the station showed no one stopping by the desk during the time in which it had to arrive.
The letter, which was addressed to the whole of the SPPD, apparently was a threat.
'You do not know what you have done, and you will pay for it dearly. You take away something of ours, we take away something of yours.
Call this an act of war, those of us who belong, and those of you who fight to keep the scum of the universe in complacent comfort, without work or strife or struggle while true citizens fight to make their way.
Even if you see us coming, you can't stop what we are going to do, so just sit back and enjoy the ride. Good luck Newmeat Trash."
The rest of the letter was deemed unable to be printed either because of language or confidentiality. Citizens of the port are asked to keep an eye out and report any suspicious activity. There is no official word from the SPPD if this is connected with the muddier yesterday, though according to most people they do believe so.
[There is a short video where there are a few quotes from passersby outside the news office who seem to believe the incidents are connected. One man seems to disagree, but he just seems to be angry and fairly incoherent.]
News Notification Thread]