9 [Video]

Jan 11, 2012 22:01

[Crowley is inside his apartment, leaning against a counter. He, for the time being, is the only individual in the shot, because Crowley has no friends.


He pauses for a moment or two, to collect his thoughts, before speaking directly to the NV, calm and collected.]

I find myself in need of a large sum of money. As a result -- I’d like to ask ( Read more... )

c: sam merlotte, c: elaine belloc, c: claire bennet, c: magneto, !: castiel, !: crowley

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makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:04:07 UTC
Both are not something you want to get involved with.

What's wrong with Castiel? [Concerned.]


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:06:48 UTC
I think I'd like to make that judgment for myself. I'm a big boy, I promise.

[Dryly. And then, a cursory glance downward again, before looking back at the NV.]

He's suffering from the effects of a very poor decision in a motel room. I should probably get him tested, but --

[He shrugs a shoulder.]

I'm not doing anything with him, so.


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:09:02 UTC
No doubt, but SERO has bigger.

He could have hurt himself falling like that.


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:13:04 UTC
It's his own bloody fault. Let him be hurt.

[Mildly, and Crowley shifts lightly. He's nudging Castiel with his foot.]

If he doesn't wake up in ten minutes, I'll be certain to start caring.


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:14:57 UTC
After five, you need to make sure he doesn't have a head injury.

[Yes, he's fussing like a motherhen.]

You do realize you probably want to stay away from SERO, correct?


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:17:22 UTC
I don't need to do anything.

[He rolls his eyes to the side.]

That sounds like a warning.

[He knows, full well, that Lucifer is a member of SERO, and that Michael is a member of AGI. It's part of the reason why he's asking. But he's not about to let that on.]


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:19:40 UTC
Best to do so.

[He's not above ratting you out to big brothers if something happens to Castiel.]

It is. What information are you looking for?


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:24:34 UTC
[Whatever. The angels save for Castiel can't get into his apartment. See if he gives two fucks, bro.

He ignores the first statement, then, in order to focus on the second, with a slight shrug.]

They're interesting. Everyone seems to know everything about them yet nothing at all.

How much influence do they have?


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:28:01 UTC
[Magneto can and is the pet of one of them.]

Quite a lot, though you may not notice if you don't need medication, food, transit, or education, medical care, or other services.

Check you Scotch bottle - it probably has an AGI log or tag on it somewhere.


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:40:33 UTC
I'm mostly self-sufficient.

[With a casual shrug. Crowley has noticed, but for the purpose of the post, it's best to play stupid. Which includes glancing off-screen to cause his liquor bottle to levitate to his hand, and he flips it over to glance at the bottom.]

Imagine that.


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:42:58 UTC
Imagine if they decided to stop providing services to any without affiliation, rather than at mark-up or worse as they do now.


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:46:34 UTC
How very Soviet Russia of you.

[Mildly, though Crowley puts the bottle back on his table.]

So they have a grip on the economy. Effective. But what about the people?


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 03:49:29 UTC
Soviet Russia and I have no love for one another.

[More like complete and total hatred, judging by that tone.]

The people allow it. The ones who run and manage it. Certainly there are a few who would like things to change, but those in power rarely wish to give it up. And they won't.


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 03:59:30 UTC
[His eyebrows arch slightly.]

... is that so.


makes_asteroids January 12 2012, 04:00:52 UTC
It is.

[Evenly. Not saying which he's commenting on.]


kissesdarling January 12 2012, 04:06:28 UTC
You are honestly suggesting that they won't give up their power.

[That slow smirk is one of a man that has toppled gods. A corporation is nothing.]


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