fifth dream | voice | backdated to yesterday

Jan 10, 2012 18:10

[ Not her usual video this time, but her Scottish is as distinctive as ever. It sounds like she's rummaging around and cleaning up, so there's a reason. ]

The snowglobes were nice while they lasted, yeah? I wasn't really expecting them to melt though. [ Guess who had to clean up a bunch of them? ] Sort of made me miss a few things. Well, okay, really miss. Like being able to look at the stars. Not that you can't here. There's a bit of a view from the baseball field, but it's not exactly the same, if you know what I mean.

[ Especially when being out at night isn't advised. Plus, it's not the same sky from back home, or as close up as she's used to. Amy Pond is incredibly spoiled when it comes to space and stars. Then she starts shaking her head and sighing. She's getting off topic and rambling again. ]

Nevermind that, enough nostalgic rubbish. I had a few snowglobes that people left here -- 'course now they're gone. Which makes me ask, has anybody seen Sherlock or John lately? Not like the stupid detective gets back to me anyway, but I had something of theirs and it's been … ehm, longer than usual.

They didn't just up and leave, right? Just wondering.

[ Not like she's worried or anything. ]

!: amy pond, c: rochelle, c: the eleventh doctor, c: the tardis, c: re-l mayer, c: helen magnus, c: elaine belloc, c: bobby singer, c: rose tyler, c: arthur pendragon

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