Tuesday, January 10th, 2012
Weather Mostly sunny and clear. High 5°C and a low of -2°C (41deg;F/28°F)
Current Moon Phase: Waning Gibbous
Morning sirens go off at 9:09am, and evening sirens are at 5:31 pm.
(OOC Note: Your Event Snowglobes should be melted by now, so anyone who sold them off to interested parties? The agents of angry buyers might be dropping by to express their complaints...and demand payment returned. Good luck with that.)
News & Advertisements
- In honor of International Clean Your Desk Day, radio station GLO (85.5) is offering you the chance to Stash your Trash for Cash! Take a picture of your cluttered disaster area of a workplace before, and then after you clean it off, and submit them to our website for the chance to win $500! We will choose the most dramatically improved desk to win the grand prize. Three second prize winners will receive $50 gift certificates redeemable at several of our proudly affiliated restaurants..
- Today is also Cut Energy Costs Awareness Day, proudly sponsored by your friends at SERO. Attached to today's newsfeed is a complementary pamphlet of tips and tricks for energy efficency, particularly for this time of year. Are all your windows sealed with CeeRow’s draft-free proofing & insulation? Call for a consultation today. Is your vehicle getting ideal mileage? Stop at any of our auto shops for a 15% discount with just a flash of your affiliation card. Does your heater stay on all day by itself? Learn how to check for these and other energy-wasting pitfalls-- AND, save 50% on energy-saving bulbs with a special coupon for your neighborhood Seronex Drugstore! Together with SERO, we can all ensure a brighter and warmer future for Siren's Port.
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