1st Mercy [ Video ]

Jan 08, 2012 08:41

[ At first, all you can see is gold. Shiny slabs of gold, intircally patterned in a matter of scales. Then the camera moves up, up, up, and then you might think that it is rather a sculpture made entirely out of gold. A golden fish, perhaps? A snake? A lizard?

Then the camera zooms out and there’s a long, golden neck, so long and round it can make even the mightiest of pythons seem miniscule. You might see something behind the neck - strange wings with a mixture of a bat and a manta ray. The camera moves up once more and you’ll see a face. A short, scaly muzzle with whiskers and horns appear, with gleaming eyes (golden as well) fills the screen, bringing an almost readable expression of curiosity and a little hint of confusion.

The dragon turns its head to the side and down and speaks to someone out of the view, possibly a Greeter. This golden creature’s voice is deep and calm, only hinting the great wisdom he has gained over the many courses of millennia. ]

I thank you for helping me understand this particular brand of magic.

[ The dragon turns back to the screen. You might be able to see a kind smile merging from that draconic visage - or maybe not.

Abruptly, the feed ends. ]

!: aurican, c: khisanth, c: bruce wayne | batman, c: amalthea-unicorn

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