002 {Video} Backdated to the afternoon of Dec. 24

Dec 27, 2011 02:57

[The feed shows the inside of Mary and John's apartment, all homey looking and Christmassy. The broadcast is clearly accidental, video slightly off kilter and pointed toward a fairly unremarkable Christmas tree. The video seems to have caught in them middle of an argument. Once in a while a stray arm or fraction of head comes into frame, but for ( Read more... )

c: sam winchester, c: sam merlotte, c: magneto, !: mary winchester, c: rochelle, !: john winchester

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action; refrigeratormom December 27 2011, 08:13:44 UTC
And listen, if you complain about the wallpaper one more time...

[It's Enochian you putz and it wouldn't be necessary if you didn't threaten to murder the Devil in the face.]


Re: action; failedparenting December 27 2011, 17:06:28 UTC
[In his defense, the Devil deserved it.

Also, ignoring you to hang the wreath on the wall. In the living room. Isn't that nice?]


>:| refrigeratormom December 28 2011, 04:20:05 UTC
[Enjoy being whipped on the ass with a damp dish towel, then. Hard.]


UGH WHY ARE THEY SO NORMAL failedparenting December 28 2011, 04:43:52 UTC
[He must be getting so soft, because that actually surprises him. He jumps, and the wreath clatters to the floor.

He turns on her and fixes her with a look, halfway between amusement and annoyance.]

The hell was that for?


IT'S SO CUTE EEEEE refrigeratormom December 28 2011, 04:51:26 UTC
[How can you be annoyed at this face? There's nothing to be annoyed at here. Just a girl drying her hands. Really. Promise.]



I just cannot handle them failedparenting December 28 2011, 05:34:53 UTC
[Not buying it.]

You're playing with fire, I hope you know that.

[John leans down to get the wreath, but he keeps a eye on Mary.]


:3 refrigeratormom December 28 2011, 08:50:47 UTC
You like it.



failedparenting December 28 2011, 09:45:57 UTC
[He smirks and turns back to hanging the wreath.]

In the middle of the day, babe? Really? I'm up for it, but don't you have to cook dinner?


refrigeratormom December 28 2011, 10:26:55 UTC
You didn't just try to send me to the kitchen.



Quick, I need happee failedparenting December 31 2011, 06:19:56 UTC
No, I tried to send you to the bedroom. Obviously it didn't work.

[All of the cocky grins ever.

Oh look, he's done hanging the wreath. No, doesn't that look nice and Christmassy? Martha Stewart would be proud.]


refrigeratormom December 31 2011, 08:01:13 UTC
[So beautiful. Almost as beautiful as the sound of the wet towel whip-cracking against his hands.

Hands are sensitive. Isn't that a thing.]


failedparenting January 6 2012, 05:32:40 UTC
Ow-dammit Mary! Okay, that's it.

[You play with fire, Mary, and you get burned. John grabs the towel out of her hands, and brandishes it like a deadly weapon.]

Go on. Try me.


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